Chapter 65: Missing

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"Okay, it took some time but I got a church and a pastor set for our New Years wedding!" Sonny comes home from work late but beams as he says this. He drops his bag and takes off his jacket as he says so.

"So, it's official?" I ask, getting excited myself now.

It's been three weeks since the dinner at Lori's and things have been great. I spend a majority of nights at Sonny's, really only staying at my place on nights we know he'll be working overtime, "it's official, I booked it."

"Ahhh, that's crazy!" I jump up and jump into his arms for an embrace "wow!"

Sonny chuckles, "I'm so excited this is happening," he tells me as my feet touch the ground "I really can't wait to call you my wife."

"I can't wait to be your wife," I respond to him, pushing my lips to his. We spend the next hour pleasing one another before going to sleep peacefully.

Lori, Jason, Sonny and I all have dinner together again 2 months later. Lori gushes about how things are going between the two of them and really wants to hang around other couples, trying to encourage Jason to propose. I find it a bit assertive but I don't say anything, knowing it's not my place, "we got your invitation, they are beautiful!"

"Thank you." Sonny smiles then adds, "we hope you guys will be able to make it but understand if you already have plans."

"Oh, we'll make it." Jason assures us, "we can't miss Addison's big day."

I catch a look Lori throws towards Jason but it quickly flutters away and I wonder if she actually saw it. I adjust in my seat and decide to change the subject, "why don't Sonny and I have you two over next weekend for dinner? You've had us over a few times now, it's our turn to host."

Sonny agrees "yeah, that's a good idea. Let us cook dinner for you."

Lori chuckles, "well, we've hardly cooked dinner for you guys but I think that's a great idea. Are you available next weekend?" She looks at Jason.

Jason nods, "I am free Friday night if that works for everyone else."

Everyone else confirms and we move on with our evening. The next week, Sonny manages to leave work early so he can start dinner. Just as I'm about to leave work, Lori calls me into her office, "have you talked to Griffin at all this week?" She asks.

"No, actually." I respond lowly, "he didn't show up for his session yesterday. I just figured he got sick and forgot to call in. It's in my report." I add on, pointing to her desk where I left it. I knew I had to document that he didn't show.

Lori nods but looks concerned, "well I just got a call from his foster mom. He didn't come home from school today."

"What? That's not like him. He's been on track for weeks now." I utter back, my brain racing through the past few conversations I've had with this young boy. Griffin was put into foster care at the age of 3. His biological mother let men abuse him for drug money. He had a terrible time adjusting in foster care and was always given back to the homes, acting out violently when placed with families. His current foster mother and father are really good people and have had a lot of patience with Griffin. They've had him over a year now, and even told me they were going to move to adopt him soon. I was helping Griffin with his grades, and we talked openly a lot. I know I'm not a therapist, but I'm a good listener and I felt I was helping him really break his bad habits and self-loathing. I really thought he was starting to see himself in a positive way, "maybe I should call Sonny?" I think out to her.

She shakes her head, "no, it's only been a few hours. There's no reason to think he just didn't go off to see some of his friends."

I nod and take a few minutes to think. I then hesitatingly nod and ask, "so, I'll see you and Jason in a bit?"

"Yes, we'll be there at 8!" She responds and I smirk and leave. On the way home to Sonny, I just can't shake the feeling that something is wrong with Griffin. I text Sonny that I'll be a half hour later then I anticipated and make my way to the book store we meet at when I tutor him. I walk in hoping I'll see him hunched over a book but there's no sign of him anywhere. I then take a short walk a few blocks away to see if he's hanging out at a park he hung out at with some older bad influence kids before I started tutoring him.

He's not there either so I decide to try and call his foster parents. Mrs. Fitzman picks up on the second ring, "Hello, Ms. Collins. Is Griffin with you?" She's clearly distressed as she asks this.

"I'm sorry, no. You told Lori that you haven't seen Griffin since this morning?" I question, hoping I can help run down his day to figure out where he's at.

She replies, "well no, he told me he was staying over at Don's to study last night. He left at 4 o'clock yesterday."

"Wait, you haven't seen him since yesterday?" I ask. My heart rate picking up further, "did you call the police? Report him missing?"

"They said with his background they want to wait 48 hours before assuming he's missing." She explains.

I shake my head, "no, that's not okay. Alright, hang tight. Let me call Sonny." I hang up the phone before she could respond and call Sonny. He doesn't pick up so I hang up and move to try again when he calls me back, "Sonny, I need your help!"

"What's going on? are you okay? You're an hour later than you said, I've been calling you." He says to me, clearly a bit unnerved.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry, I just got busy. It's about Griffin, he's missing." I say out quickly, knowing he needs to move quickly so he can get his team on this case.

Sonny answers, "Lori told me that might've been where you were. It's only been a few hours, we can't guarantee-"

I interrupt him from going on, giving him the new information Mrs. Fitzman gave me, "no, she hasn't seen him since yesterday. Listen to me Sonny, I know somethings wrong. He turned his life around, he wouldn't run off."

"Alright, alright. Why don't you have Mr. and Mrs. Fitzman come into the station? I'll call Olivia and we'll talk to them. You can meet me there." He offers to help.

"Thank you, thank you so much. And I'm sorry I had you worried, I just lost track of time." I tell him.

"It wasn't— it wasn't that." He says, wanting to say something more. I wait for him to go on but he just says, "I was just worried. I'll see you at the precinct. Love you."

"I love you, too" I reply to him and we hang up. I call Mrs. Fitzman back and tell her where to go and to get there as fast as possible.

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