Chapter 41: Flashback

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I don't get much more sleep but manage to doze on and off for a few hours to pass the time. When I finally do get up and shower it's around 10 in the morning and still no word from Sonny. I move to my bag of clothes and fish out his lieutenant's card. I dial the number and after 2 rings she answers, "Benson."

"Hey, this is Addison. I'm sorry to bother you at work but I was wondering if Sonny is there right now?" I get out quickly not wanting to take up much of her time.

"Not yet, he should be in at noon though. Is everything okay?" She asks with concern coming across her voice.

"It's fine, I'm sure he's just out running errands. Thanks!" I try to seem okay and get off the phone before she could ask any questions, "Bye!"

I hang up the phone before hearing her respond and stand there thinking. My mind races for awhile on what could've happened, or where he could've gone. Luckily, it's not too much later that the bedroom door opens and Sonny walks in, "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks once seeing my face.

He comes over to me as I respond, "I didn't hear from you, I was worried something happened."

He gives me a hug, "nothing happened sweetheart, I'm right here." He tries to assure me.

"I just-- with Jacob still out there, I can't help but think the worse when I'm not with you," I say to him.

He keeps his embrace on me and asks, "I'm sorry, I had to take care of something for work. I'll be better at responding, okay?"

"Thanks." I return, feeling bad for making him feel bad.

"So, tomorrow's Sunday and I have some time off. I wanted to take you somewhere. If that's okay with you?" He asks.

I perk up a bit at the idea of another date with Sonny, "of course, but we'd need to convince the FBI agents to tag along." I remind him.

"Oh, I'm sure they'll be okay with where we're going." He answers back. I go to ask him but he quickly jumps in, "I'm not saying! Just make sure to wear sneakers."

"Sneakers?" I push my nose up to tease disdain, "there's nothing cute about sneakers."

He laughs, "everything you wear is cute, darlin'." He kisses me on the nose, "I'm gonna clean up before work!" He goes to walk away.

When he's out of the shower he comes out with a towel around his waist and water glistening off his body. It's then that I'm remembered about the conversation I had with my therapist and blurt out, "so I talked to my therapist!"

He stops what he's doing and eyes me with a sly smirk, "oh yeah? How did that go?" He questions before returning to get his clothes.

I shrug with a smile, "it went well, and we've decided that I'm ready to take things forward." I spill, basically drooling at the site of him, "but only if you're ready too. I guess I've been kind of hyper-focused on me I didn't even stop to think if this was going too fast for you."

He chuckles a bit more and moves back to the bathroom, "of course I'm ready to take things further Adds." He smiles over his shoulder.

"Great!" I dumbly answer. Just then either by accident or on purpose the towel covering Sonny drops and I see his bare ass. He shuts the door to the bathroom to change and I can't help but feel the heat rush to my cheeks and my body react with needs for him.

He comes back out 30 or so minutes later in his suit and his hair coiffed back, "you're a jerk." I mock as he shuts the door behind him.

"What?" He asks teasingly like he's offended.

I laugh, "you know what!" I respond.

"That was just payback for that night at the motel." He returns sitting on the bed next to me. I eye him not sure what he means, "the night you wore my shirt to bed and nothing else." He reminds me.

"Oh!" I say, remembering then and blushing.

"Yahhh, I had a tough time getting that out of my head the next day." He chuckles telling me "I've wanted you for a long time, it's about time you get some payback."

I chuckle along, "okay, fine. Fair enough. You're not a jerk." I take back my joking comment.

He smiles and stands, "let's go find something to eat before I head to work."

"Sure." I follow him out into the hall and to the kitchen. When we get there we see Mr. Morales at the fridge, "good morning Mr. Morales!" I exclaim to him.

He looks at us and smiles "please, call me Charles. Good morning Addison, good morning Dominick." He greets both of us, "would you like me to call in someone to make you breakfast?" He asks kindly.

Sonny answers, "no thank you, sir, I have to grab and go." He reaches over to the fruit bowl and takes a banana and an apple, "I'll text you. Bye!" He plants a soft kiss on my forehead and goes to leave, "Goodbye Charles." He adds on before leaving the room.

"Would you like something hot for breakfast?" Charles asks me.

I shake my head, "no, I'm fine with some fruit. Thank you." I tell him going to look into the bowl to see what I'll eat.

He starts to walk over towards me and I wait before getting my food, wondering what he wants. He gets a tad close but stops before invading all my personal space, "are you sure you don't want to come work for my campaign, honey? We could surely use someone with your talents on staff." He grins at me, his eyes exploring my body. His face is devious and sends chills through my body. It's the same grin Jacob had when he raped me.

My body freezes and I stutter, "no-no thank you."

He shakes his head a tad and tsks, "well, you know where to find me if you change your mind." His smirk turns into a full-on grin and he goes to walk away. I stand frozen in place and as he passes me too closely he reaches his hand over and firmly grabs my ass.

I stand completely still, blood coursing through my body as I flashback to months ago when I was wrongfully abused and shamed, "Addison?" A voice calls to me and I suddenly feel myself blinking my eyes, "Addison, you okay?" Jason's body comes into view and he touches my arm.

I jump back a bit startled and worried and his hand retreats. I don't know how long I was standing there motionless but I answer him, "oh sorry Jason, was just thinking." I lie quickly.

"You okay? You were pretty zoned out." He states back.

I nod softly, "yes, I'm fine. Thank you. I'll see you later!" I rush out of the kitchen and back to the bedroom where I lock the door behind me.

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