Chapter 75: Worse

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"What's going on? What's wrong?" Jason asks me as I walk into the coffee shop, concern clear across his face.

I sigh heavily, still very much barely keeping it together, "Jason, what do you know about this case against me?"

He keeps my stare and explains in a low voice, "just that you supposedly provided alcohol to a minor, someone you work with and that you're charged with a pretty serious crime or two."

I ask him flat out, "do you think I did it?"

"What?" He questions, sitting back with a dumbfounded expression, "of course I don't, why would you ask me that?"

"Well, Lori's testifying for the state. I'm assuming she may have talked to you about everything, well I'm hoping she did. I have so many questions." My hand goes to my head and I grab at my hair, ready to pull at it.

He shakes his head, "well, we've talked about some things but not about what she's testifying about. She told me she doesn't want to get me involved since we're friends and have a past."

I loosen the grip my teeth have on my tongue and slowly say to him what I planned on saying when we met, "I don't think any of this a coincidence anymore."

"What are you talking about? What's not a coincidence?" He asks back.

"Lori. I think it's rather strange how you and she started dating after I started working there. How she's testifying against me, for who knows what, and that no lawyer in the state of New York will take my case the day after she's added to testify." I come off harsher then I intend to towards him, but everything is just spilling out of me like an erupted volcano.

He shakes his head left to right as I speak and quickly defends her, "oh, come on Addison. You're paranoid."

"Am I?" I ask him rhetorically, "I just find it strange the timing of it all. I know your dad blacklisted me to all the lawyers in the state, and I know I didn't do this so he's obviously setting me up."

He keeps shaking his head, "you sound crazy. Why would he risk everything he has by setting you up? He's still laying low after Jacob's death, I don't think he'd risk that to go after you."

I roll my eyes, "don't be so naive, Jason!" I spit, needing him to understand me, "I don't want you to get hurt by her, there's just something not fitting here and I need you to help me figure it out."

He asks, "so you want me to betray my girlfriend, the women I love, to help you clear your name?" His voice is raspy and my stomach drops, knowing what I'm asking him to do isn't fair to him.

I nod once, "yes. Please. Sonny and I are stuck, there's nothing else I can do."

"Addison, look.." He reaches his hand across the table to touch mine, "I once loved you and would do anything for you, but you made it clear that you're not going to give me another chance." His fingers lightly lay over my fingers, "I'm finally happy again with Lori and I'm not going to risk what I have with her to help you get my father. Even though he may be involved, there's no way Lori is. I'm sure what she's testifying about won't hurt you."

I pull my hand away from his with force, my anger clear, "look, it's not just me I'm looking out for. I don't think you and Lori met by coincidence and I don't want you to get hurt. Please, Jason, listen to me."

"No," He asserts, "I'm sorry but I don't believe you about her. I'd love to help where I can but not this way, I won't sneak around behind her back or try to prod information out of her to come secretly tell you." I push out of the chair and leave the coffee shop seething with anger. Jason was my only hope in getting any more answers. There's no other option for me now then to go to court and pray there's enough reasonable doubt.

When I get back to the apartment, Olivia is there waiting for me with a somber look, "what is? what's wrong?" I ask her, not wanting to hear any more bad news.

"It's Flynn. She's dead." She tells me.

"WHAT!?" My head races, spins as I process what she told me "h-how?"

"The M.E has to do the autopsy still but looks like strangulation, they found her in the Hudson. Look, I need you to come with me." She puts an arm on my elbow to guide me back towards the elevator.

I look at her with wide eyes, knowing she's taking me in for questioning. I rip my arm from her touch and say, "what!? You think I did this?!"

"No, no of course not, but I need to ask you some questions." She remains calm as I lose my mind.

I shake my head, "and what am I suppose to do? I can't get any lawyer in New York to sit down with me! Why would I kill the only person helping me?" I ask her.

"Come on, Sonny's at the precinct waiting for you. We'll figure it out." Her voice manages to calm me enough that I agree to go with her, knowing I don't really have a choice anyway. When we get to the precinct, she puts me in an interrogation room, "I'll get Sonny, can I get you anything?"

"No" I snarl, staring at the metal table in front of me. She nods and shuts the door. When she returns, Sonny is standing behind her with sad eyes. I stand up and ask him, "what's going on? They think I killed Flynn!"

He walks towards me, past his boss, "look, they have to ask questions. I'm waiting for an attorney to work with me and you have to as well, understand?"

My voice squeaks, "but I thought you were going to represent me?"

"I can't for this since they have to question us both." He explains, "but just hang tight, they'll find someone to represent you."

"But no one will represent me! We already called everyone!" I yell to him, tears falling again. This is an absolute nightmare.

He pulls me in for a hug, "you asked for a lawyer, so they have to get you a public defender. They can't question you until they do. And they're bringing in homicide detectives for this, as SVU is too close. They're going to try and get you to waive your Miranda rights as they wait to find someone but you can't say a word. Got it?" He now has me by the shoulders, our eyes locked on to one another.

I swallow hard and nod, "yea, I won't say anything."

"I love you, we'll get through this." He kisses me on the forehead before Olivia taps on the door to tell him it's time to go.

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