Chapter 90: Married

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When I get to the end of the isle, Amanda's little girl turns to me and hands me a small yet beautiful hand picked bouquet. I lean down and give a quick and small hug with a sweet little thank you whispered in her ear. When I stand I look back up and Sonny is grinning like I've never seen before. He has changed into a tux and his hair is coiffed to the side. My smile mimics his and the organist begins playing the traditional song. Mr. Carisi and I walk normally to the end of the church pews where he leans in to kiss my cheek and hug his son. I hear him say "congrats son, we're over the moon with joy."

"Thanks pop." Sonny lowly returns, quickly returning his eyes to mine as we hold hands. His firm squeeze on my hand calms my nerves and the shaking stops. I bite my lower lip and grin again at him, trying to thank him for being the man he is, the man who stuck with me through thick and thin. "Let's go" he whispers with a small chuckle and I nod, the two of us then turning to look at the priest.

The priest begins the rite of marriage ceremony and it's not long before we are reciting the vows to one another. I start, repeating after the priest "I, Addison Anne Collins take you Dominic Carisi Jr. to be my husband." I wait and then repeat the next part "I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life." There is a small pause where I can add in my own vows, and I say "every day I wake up grateful that you are in my life and that we are partners. I know your heart, and you know mine. I commit to making our marriage a journey of growth and discovery as we support one another as husband and wife."

Sonny is then repeating after the priest "I, Dominic Carisi Jr. take you Addison Anne Collins to be my wife." He patiently waits for the priest to go on then repeats again, "I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life." The priests waits again for him to add his own vows. He takes a deep breath and slowly says, "Addison, I promise to accept you for who you choose to be today and always. I promise to choose you as my life partner, not just today, but every day. I promise to continue our relationship joyfully with laughter, compassion, humor, and love throughout our life together. I promise to reflect with gratitude for our partnership every day of our marriage, knowing that God has brought us together in a loving and joyful marriage. I promise to love you. Always and forever."

Tears stream down my face as I try to not reach across and hug him tightly. He squeezes my hands again, rubbing his thumb over the top of my hands to reassure me. I blink away the tears and the priests finishes the ceremony with the ring ceremony. After the blessing, we slide the rings onto one another's left hands. The priests wraps everything up with everyone praying the Lord's Prayer, and saying the final blessing. He finally announces, "you may now kiss your bride."

Sonny swiftly moves to me, wrapping one hand around my waist and the other grasping my cheek as our lips lock, in the sweetest more pure kiss we have ever shared. Everyone's claps come to us at once when he pulls away but we just stare at each other in enjoyment and he says, "I love you Mrs. Carisi."

I smile at my new name, replying back, "I love you too, husband."

He smiles wider and leans back in for another kiss. The claps and cheers are still going when we finally stop to turn to face our family and friends. They cheer louder again when we do and we smile widely at everyone, moving from the front of the church down the steps to talk and thank everyone.

Sonny and I sneak away to take a few photos with his friend from law school who does photography and everyone else heads to the Carisi's favorite Italian restaurant in Manhattan for a small type of reception. When Sonny and I arrive, the drinks have already been flowing and we are handed with a chilled glass of champagne each. His sister Bella gives us a beautiful toast, "from the moment I met Addison, I knew she was special. Sonny knew it too. He wouldn't have brought her over to stay with me if he didn't. He claims it was just a quick solution to a problem, but I knew the truth. He wanted to keep her close, somewhere he knew she'd be safe but he could spend time with her." She gives him a glare and he smirks with his arm around me and a flush of pink showing on his cheeks. She goes on, "the way these two are together is something out of a fairytale we were told doesn't exist. I know there is a happily ever after in their future. Congratulations big brother, we're so happy for you two." She raises her glass and everyone follows, "to mr. and Mrs. Carisi, congratulations!"

Everyone echos, "congratulations!" Back and we cheers before kissing one another, taking a sip of the champagne and moving to give Bella a hug and thank her for her sweet words.

The rest of the evening is filled with loud conversation, laughter, and delight as everyone celebrates our marriage and enjoys one another's company. Just as Sonny and I finish cutting the small, delicate and beautiful cake his mom made for us, we here a familiar ringing from the right side of the private room. Sonny and his team turn to Olivia as she looks at her phone. She places it back into her bag and comments, "sorry guys, duty calls."

"What do we got?" Amanda asks her for more information, already moving to grab her jacket and purse from the chair.

Olivia returns, "I'll fill you in on the way." She turns to Sonny's parents "Mr. and Mrs. Carisi, this was a wonderful reception, thank you for having us."

Fin and Amanda give a similar thanks as they all gather around Sonny and I to congratulate us one more. I hear Amanda mutter to Olivia "my sitter will watch the girls and Noah if Julie can't."

Olivia gives her a thankful nod before looking to me and leaning in for a hug, "we are so happy for you guys. Today was beautiful, as I'm sure the rest of your life together will be."

"Thank you" I smile and hug her.

Sonny says, "thanks boss."

Fin gives Sonny a firm handshake and says something I couldn't quiet catch as Amanda whispers in my ear while hugging, "congratulations Addison. I know we had a rough start but I see how happy you make him and I couldn't be happier for the two of you."

Fin and Amanda switch before I could properly thank her and he gives me a quick hug and says "congrats, enjoy the honeymoon." With a sly smirk on his face as he releases from our hug.

The three of them go to leave with their kids in tow and Sonny asks, "so, you'll catch me up tomorrow then?"

Olivia turns and shakes her head, "take a week, go on a honeymoon. We'll talk later."

Sonny smiles widely and nods his acknowledgement while wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close, "got get em' guys."

"Bye!" I smile and wave as they leave, looking up to Sonny after they go and whisper "honeymoon?"

He leans down and kisses my lips softly and says "I've got just the place."

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