Chapter 46: Message

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"Alright Addison, officer Thomas here is going to take you to your apartment and stay there with you." Olivia comes in where I've been waiting for a little over an hour.

I look at her dumbfounded, "what? Where's Sonny?" I spit, really starting to worry now.

She puts her hand up for me to slow down, "we're still looking for him, okay? But you should go home and get some rest, I'm sure he's okay."

"If you really believed that then you wouldn't be leaving me at my apartment with an officer on guard!" I argue back.

She exhales and comes over to where I'm sitting, "I know this is hard but trust me, we'll find him and it'll be okay." She continues to try and convince me.

Amanda walks in after that and says, "uhh, Liv." She gestures behind her with her head and both my eyes and Olivia's look.

Two FBI agents have walked into the precinct and are waiting for the person in charge, "whatever!" I stand up, grabbing the gym back and storming out of the room in front of officer Thomas.

Officer Thomas takes me to my apartment and tells me he'd be right outside if I needed anything. I scoff a thank you his way and slam the door to the car as I head for the door. I'm not angry at home, just mad I'm being sat down and ordered to wait. I feel like there's something else I should be doing. Once to my apartment door. I take a deep breath in and unlock it, not missing being here one bit. Once inside, I drop the gym back at the door and look around. Although things have been cleaned since the attack, it's like frozen in time. My mind puts visions of the same dishes in the sink that night back in there. The blanket now draped behind the couch flashes in front of me back on the floor. I look all around the apartment until I notice something out of place. Next to the fridge on the counter lies a cellphone I've never seen before. I slowly walk over to it, as if it's going to blow up or something if I get too close. Once I reach it, I slowly pick it up and unlock it, no code set. I check the apps first, but there aren't any but the ones programmed automatically onto it. I check the text messages with nothing. I click the picture app and see one video saved. I click open, and my heart stops when I see Sonny tied to a chair, head dropped down and blood on his clothes. Tears instantly streamed down my face, "Addison, Addison, Addison." Jacobs' voice oozes through the speaker. The phone then moves and his face covers the screen, "if you stayed away from officer friendly here, he'd be safe as a can be. But now I need to use him to get to you." My hands shake, barely able to keep holding the phone so I place it down on the counter and try to wipe at the tears that just won't stop falling. "I need you to get my father to see me. I don't care what you have to do to get it done, but you have until midnight tonight or your boyfriend will no longer be your boyfriend." His eyes blink consistently while he speaks into the camera, a wicked crazy grin is plastered on his face, "give the number in the contacts a call and you'll be given the location." I hear him say as he turns the camera back to Sonny and it gets closer to him, "Oh, and if I see one officer, one agent, one sign that you told the police--" He puts the camera just a bit closer to Sonny as he steps behind him, "then they'll be scraping his brains off the wall." He pulls sonny's head up by his hair to show me his bruised and swollen face.

"Don't!" Sonny goes to speak but he's hit over the head with something in Jacobs' hand.

I yelp with fear, worry, and pain. I can't do anything from where I am to help him and my imagination is running wild with the things Jacob is doing to him. The camera then goes off and I'm left standing still, only my own whimpering filling the silence. I somehow shake myself out of the trance and I'm and stumble over to my phone. I find Olivia Benson's number in my phone but before I could hit send, Jacobs words echo through my head that if he even saw a cop he'd kill Sonny instantly. I scroll past her number and find Jason's instead. "Hello?" He answers on the second ring.

"Hi, Jason. I was wondering if you could get me in touch with your father? I feel bad about how I left and wanted to apologize to him." I explain.

"You don't need to apologize to him Addy, I'm sure it's no sweat off his back," Jason replies.

"I know, but I do feel bad and I won't be able to sleep tonight unless I fix it." I lie, knowing I need to get Mr. Morales to the address Jacob left for Sonny's sake.

"Alright, I'll give you his personal work phone." Jason responds and asks "you ready?"

I assure him I am and type it into the phone that I watched the video on. After giving me the number we hang up and I stare down at the 10 digits in front of me. I don't know what Jacob has planned for Charles or what'll happen after, but I know he'll follow through with hurting or killing Sonny if I just sit and do nothing or hand this all over to the SVU unit or FBI. I press the send button and hold my breath as it rings, "Charles." He answers after a few rings later.

"Hi Charles, this is Addison Collins," I say to him, trying to sound pleasant.

He coughs momentarily then asks, "Addison, hello. How did you get this number?"

"I asked Jason for it, I was hoping to talk to you about something." I return as calmly as possible.

"Oh. And what is that?" He asks platonically.

I bite my lower lip and utter out, "the uh, the proposition you made me the other day."

I can hear rustling on the other end of the phone as he excuses himself from wherever he is. When he responds, I can hear the cockiness in his tone "so, tired of playing around with boys and ready for a real man?"

"Yes." I return, keeping the bile in my throat from coming out, "would you be able to meet me tonight?" I question, knowing I'll need to figure out a way to get away from the officer watching me.

"Let me call you on a better line and we'll nail down the details." He says, "talk soon my love." He adds on before hanging up. I slide both phones on the table and exhale, feeling more nausea's then I've ever felt before.

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