Chapter 87: Control

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As we get closer and closer to that building, the anxiety and fear settle in. My fight or flight instinct kicks in and I attempt to fight, with fear. "Lori, why are we going here?"

"It's the meeting point. Shut up." She jams the gun back into my side, reminding me who's in control.

I take a deep breath and question her, "you know what happened here, right?"

"Shut up." She turns her head from staring out the window in one quick motion and her eyes shoot me with hatred, "I know enough."

"Then you know Sonny and the entire NYPD know about this place. Hell, we both almost died here. It's one of the first places they'll look for me." I try and keep my voice calm, as if I'm not scared shitless of dying today.

She shakes her head, both our voices low enough for the driver to be unable to hear us clearly, "I'm sure we won't be staying here long. Just long enough."

She lets her eyes linger on mine, trying to continue to keep me scared. I nod but continue on, "this is probably a set up. You know better than this. You can't trust him, you know that, too. Lori, please." I try to beg faster, knowing one more turn and we'll be there.

She rolls her eyes, pulls my hair back so my head tilts. She growls into my ear, "shut up before I pull this fuckin' trigger myself."

I can see the driver in front eye us from the front but he quickly adjusts his eyes to road, as if he saw nothing. A minute later and he's letting us out and Lori is throwing money his way. He speeds off without looking back. She pulls out her phone and calls someone, "yeah, we're here. Yea, about to walk in. Alright." She hangs up and pushes me forward, "walk."

"Lori, just wait. Please. Just wait a minute!" I beg, trying to drag my feet.

"Go!" She yells, but there's no one around to eye us and see anything wrong. She's openly holding me up at gun point now, and we're feet from the entrance.

I try one more time, "okay, okay. Fine. Just give me 2 minutes. Please. Just wait." I have no reason to have her wait, just desperation to stay alive.

"This is getting old, Addison. GO or I SHOOT YOU! I think you're forgetting who's in control here."

"No, no, I'm aware. You are. You have the gun, the upper hand. But I think you're making a mistake. This is too obvious." My voice is shaking and I know it's almost done, it's almost over.

"Oh, my, God." I hear her mumble before a shot goes off and my entire side goes numb. It's like a pair of scissors ripped down my arm and sides, pulling apart my veins. I've been shot before, in the hospital by Sonny but this one somehow hurts more. I fall, grabbing my arm where the severity of the pain emits from and scream, scream as loud as I can, "would you like me to aim higher?" She asks, standing over me with the gun pointed to my head now, her back facing away from the entrance.

"No, I'm going. I'm going." I cry out, tears and blood mixing together as I try to wipe the snot and tears from my eyes, trying to see. I try to scramble up to my feet, getting to my knees first. I manage to stand up but before I could take a step forward there's a loud burst of energy and heat throwing me backwards and into the gravel of the road. When I manage to open my eyes, I see the smoke and fire emitting out of the building. The building we were suppose to be in. I quickly scan around, looking for Lori. She lays about 8 feet away, looking lifeless. I try to stand, to get away from here, in case she's still alive or Charles is on the way but the pain in my head keeps me on the ground. The entire world spins around me and my ears ring. I can make out some kind of sound of sirens and just let myself fall back to the concrete, knowing someone will be here soon to help me.

Within a few minutes, I hear who I assume is a man towards me, "mam, mam! Can you hear me? Mam?"

"I'm, I'm here. I'm alive." I wave one hand up in the air, signaling that I'm breathing and aware. Signaling that I need help "please! Help me." I try to cough out.

A few more minutes later and a gurney is being rolled over and they are quickly assessing my body over for damages. They place a neck brace on me and someone wraps my arm, because I think I managed to tell them I was shot, but I can't recall for sure. "Did I tell you to call detective Sonny Carisi of SVU yet? I don't remember." I ask as they lift me into the ambulance. "You need to call him, he needs to know what happened." I try and sit up, to tell someone, to show someone how urgent that is

"Yes mam, he's on the way here. But we need to get going." The voice, which seems female now replies.

I lie back down and let them do whatever they need to do, hoping for the pain to stop soon. The next time I open my eyes, I can see Sonny's tear stained face directly above me. His eyes are closed and his mouth is moving but no sound is coming out. I wonder if I've gone deaf due to the blast. As I continue to try and make out what he's saying a beeping from the machines in the ambulance help me realize I can hear, and that Sonny is praying. I whisper his name, "Sonny.."

His eyes open wide for a brief second before he's leaning down to kiss my forehead "oh, thank God. Thank God. Addison, baby.." he stops kissing me and sits back up from my head where I can see his eyes again, "I'm so sorry, you're going to be okay. We're almost to the hospital."

"How'd you get in here?" I ask, trying to piece my brain back together.

There was an explosion. I remember that. But who was I with? What was I doing? As he tells me he stopped the ambulance at a light and got in, I continue to try and work things out. Jason. Jason was shot. I ask, "is Jason alright? He was shot. I left my phone but.."

"He's fine, he's at another hospital." Sonny tells me, "relax babe, take it easy. It's all taken care of."

I shake my head, panic running through me as I remember, "the recording! I got Lori on tape admitting Charles' hand in all this. Did you get it? So you have it?"

Sonny is being pushed aside as machines beep and yell and two EMTs cover my face with something and my speech just comes to a stop as the light dissipates and my eyes forcefully close.

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