Chapter 40: Results

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"Hey Addison, it's good to see you!" Fin spots me first, walking past me and out the door with Amanda.

"Hey Fin, hey Amanda." I sheepishly wave to them.

"Hey." Amanda coldly responds.

Sonny, now standing at his desk with a confused look on his face, "what's going on, everything okay?" He asks worriedly.

As he begins to come over to me I quickly walk to his desk so he can't get too far away from it, "everything's fine." I smirk back up and he kisses me on the forehead. He still looks at me with wonder and I decide to just tell him why I'm there, "the lab called with my HIV results and want me to call them back."

His eyes widen with a sort of knowingness and he ushers me out of the pen and to a room with the lockers and cots, "hey, that's normal for them to want to talk to you, it doesn't mean anything."

"But what if it does? I already went through the odds with Margret but I'm scared Sonny, what if this time it comes back positive?" I confide to him, "what if this nightmare won't end?"

He pulls me in for a hug and squeezes me tightly, "I'm telling you, your results will be negative. I know the statistics too and you're okay, honey." He encourages me.

I exhale deeply against his chest and ask, "will you stay with me as I call them?"

"Of course!" He instantly answers. He removes me from the hug and closes the door to the room. He suggests I sit down on a cot and I do so before taking out my phone.

I find the number at the top of my missed calls list and hit dial. I bring it to my ear and try to keep my breathing calm. Sonny puts a strong hand on my knee. I listen to the options and select 0 to talk to a receptionist, "Hi, I'm calling back for my test results. Addison Collins."

"One moment please." She says back. I hear a click in the other line and my breath stops, knowing I'll soon know everything.

It was probably only a few minutes but the whole world stopped moving while I waited for the other line to pick up again, "Hello Addison, Dr. Jenkins here. Thank you for calling us back."

"Yah." Is all I manage to get out.

"I have your results pulled up and they have come back negative." She says casually. My breath finally comes back to me with a large inhale and I look to Sonny with a smile, my eyes faintly forming tears. Dr. Jenkins continues, "we would like to see you in 3 months for one last test but since the previous tests have all been negative the chances are extremely low you've been exposed."

"Thank you!" I whisper into the phone, letting a tear fall down my face.

"Of course. Would you like to set up your 6-month appointment now? I can transfer you back to our receptionist." Dr. Jenkins asks.

"No, I'll call back when it's closer. Thank you!" I say again before we exchange salutations and hang up.

Sonny's grin is wide and he says, "see, everything's alright." He pulls me into a side hug.

"Thanks, Sonny. What time are you off tonight?" I ask, knowing I should let him get back to work.

He looks down at his watch then back to me, "not sure, Fin and Rollins just left on a new case so I'm going to finish up the paperwork I'm on and see what they need me to do. Hopefully not too late but it just depends."

I nod understanding, "well, just let me know." I stand up, "I'll let you get back to it then."

Sonny stands with me and leans his forehead against mine, "everything else okay?" His smile is curious.

"Everything else is great," I assure him.

He leans in for a strong kiss and I find it hard to let him pull away, "see you later babe!" He says opening the door for me.

I wave back and make my way downstairs where the FBI agent is waiting for me.


I'm awoken by Sonny's gentle hands lifting me up, "what's going on?" I mutter out, my eyes slowly blinking open to try and see what's going on.

"You fell asleep on the chair, I'm just moving you to the bed, doll." He whispers back as he continues to move me and walks the few steps to the bed.

I mutter half asleep, "what time is it?"

He answers, "a little after midnight, we had a long day." He lays the blanket over me, referring to him and his colleagues.

He kisses me on the forehead and says goodnight, "aren't you coming to bed?" I ask him, not letting my eyes close again.

He smirks back, "I'll be in soon." He assures and goes to leave the room. As I began to drift back off to sleep it sounded like he said something else, but I couldn't be too sure what it was before the door closed behind him and I let my slumber win.

I wake up before the sun rises and notice Sonny still not in bed. I look around the room for some of his work things to see if he's been around but everything looks like it did last night. I open the bedroom door quietly and walk down the hall to see if I can find him. After looking around the large brownstone for a few minutes I go back to the bedroom and dial his number. It rings a few times but goes to voicemail. I decide to send him a text, "hey, where are you? Called into work?" I put my phone back down and try to get some more sleep.

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