Chapter 85: Recording

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Lori wasn't at home so Jason took me with him to lower Manhattan, where her so called second office is. As we walk up three flights of steps I realize her second office is actually an apartment. The buildings not as nice or up kept like the one I've been in of hers, but I'm putting two and two together "so, it's not really a second office, it's her old apartment." I say out as he searched through her desk.

"Yea, a studio apartment. Never put it together. I'm so stupid." He comments back without looking up, "I just figured it was a great price for some extra space."

"Not as stupid as me" I utter back without thinking.

He pauses and looks up, "what do you mean?"

I shrug it off, "it's nothing."

But he pushes further, "no, tell me." He stands up with wondering eyes.

I sigh and tell him what I was thinking, "I thought how weird it was that night you came over her house and saw that you were dating. Sonny and I even talked about it."

"You did?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't think it was just a coincidence." I'm honest, "but Sonny assured me it was."

"Should've listened to your gut, maybe saved both of us this emotional hassle." He mutters and returns to searching. After an hour of searching, Jason slams a drawer shut, "there's nothing here."

"What else can we do? Is there anywhere else we could—" but I stop in the middle of sentence. The sound of Lori's voice coming down the hall.

"Shit!" Jason mutters moving quickly from the kitchen to grab my hand.

I utter in fear, "what do we do?"

"Hide!" He opens a closet door and shoves me inside.

I whisper his name, "Jason, what are—"

But the door to the apartment opens and Lori's voice carries through the small space "I don't care what—" she stops talking, and I assume she spots Jason in the apartment "let me call you back." A moment later she harshly questions, "what are you doing here?"

"You weren't answering my calls. I figured you'd make your way here at some point." He returns, his voice firm, "Lori, why? Why would you do this to me?"

I hear her answer, "I don't know what you're talking about. You need to leave."

"Please, tell me it wasn't all a lie?" He asks, and I know he truly wants to know. He really did love her.

As she sighs and begins explaining, I pull out my phone, "you don't want to do this right now, just go!" I begin to record the conversation, hoping it picks up what they say to one another, she sighs, and I assume Jason just stared at her waiting for an answer, "Jason, you're not my type. You never were."

He exhales harshly, like he just got hit in the gut and I hear heavy steps shuffle around the room, "so it was just a setup to get Addison."

"And you" she adds, "you're dads not your biggest fan either hun."

"Me?" He questions, "how is dragging Addison through this hell hurting me? I'm sure my dad didn't plan on you outing his part in all this at court, how was this suppose to play out so it hurt me?"

Jason is smart, he's trying to get her to say something incriminating about herself or his father. I pray everything is being recorded and can be heard. I hear two sets of footsteps move around the space as she explains to him, "you really should be talking to your father about that."

"I'm asking you." He says forcefully.

"Well I'm not going to be the one to explain it. You more then anyone are well aware of what he is capable of and I need to get out of town before he finds me." She returns.

"What do you mean, "what he is capable of?"" He asks back quoting her words.

She catches him and she admits, "who do you think got rid of Addison's first lawyer? He's probably working on something right now to get rid of her new one, or even her. I'm not sticking around to see what he has in store for me." She then demands of him, "get out of my way."

The door to the apartment swings back open and when I hear it shut, I leave the closet to see Jason staring at the door. He slowly turns to me and inquires, "please tell me you got that?"

"I recorded, not sure how much it got behind the door." I answer him, "let's get this to Olivia." His eyebrows raise as if he's not sure who I'm referring to so I clarify, "Benson, Sonny's boss."

"Oh, right. Yea, let's go." He heads out of the apartment but the two of us stop short at the elevator as it opens when we walk towards it and Lori is standing there.

Her face mimics mine with shock but she recovers quicker than I do and states, "what is she doing here?" My teeth clench and although I want to push her back into the elevator and yell and curse her out, I bite my tongue and stay silent. Lori looks between us then focus' just on Jason, "Jason, what is she doing here?"

"I don't have to answer you, please get out of the way." He returns and starts to walk towards her and the elevator.

Lori must realize I was close by while she was talking to him and mutters to me as I walk past her, "better watch your back."

"You should worry about your own." I snarl back, moving forward to press the lower button.

She steps out of the elevator with a dumbfounded expression and the doors close. I exhale harshly and say, "if she calls your dad and tells him we were here, he could catch on to everything and leave."

"You think he'd leave everything? He's powerful, I'm sure he thinks he could still get away with it." Jason responds as the elevator lowers.

"I think things are closing in and—" but I stop talking when I stumble forward and the elevator jerks to a stop.

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