Chapter 52: Suspended

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"Morning!" Sonny kisses me on the forehead to stir me awake a week later. I've stayed with him at his apartment every night since the night he gave me the ring. We haven't had sex again since, and he hasn't pushed me towards it either, understanding would be an understatement to describe his personality.

"Ugh," I roll over, pulling the blanket over my head, "what time is it?"

"6 a.m. Guess who's going back to work today?" He beams loudly.

I lower the blanket from my face to meet his eyes and he's got a mile long grin, "that was quick, I thought you had another week?" I ask him, a bit sad I won't be able to spend the entire day with him anymore.

He sits down on the edge of the bed, working at putting his shoes on, "well, 2 weeks was enough to put our whole squad on backlog. Benson needs me back and pushed for it." He leans back up from bending over, turning his head to see me, "I made breakfast, come on!"

I get out of bed and meet him in the kitchen. He has a plate of pancakes all set out on the table and everything ready for us to eat, "this is nice." I say to him, taking a seat. After our enjoyable breakfast, Sonny brings the dishes to the sink but I stop him from cleaning, "please, let me get that?" I ask, standing to meet him at the sink.

"It's alright, I was just going to rinse em." He says back, washing a plate.

I shake my head, "let me clean since you cooked."

He drops the plate carefully into the sink and leans into my forehead, "only because I'm running late!" He plants a kiss on my forehead and a smile stretches onto both our faces.

"What if I make dinner tonight?" I ask him as he heads over to his front door, grabbing his jacket, "you can come over after work?"

"Why don't you just cook here? I've got everything you need." He says nonchalantly.

I roll my neck and say, "I could, but I'm running low on clothes. I should really go home and do some laundry, get some things. It has been like, a week."

"So, why don't you just go home and grab somethings then come back. I have my own washer, dryer here." He offers, pausing at the door to talk to me.

"Sonny." I sigh his name, smirking.

He just puts his hands up as to not argue but fishes something out of his pocket, "here, I got this for you." He places a key down on the table next to the door and waves, "see you tonight!"

After he leaves, I walk to the door and lock it behind him. He has left me alone in his apartment before. To pick up takeout, run to the market, but it wasn't for the entire day, and there wasn't a key involved so I could come and go as I please. I slide the key onto my own key ring and put it back in my purse, deciding to crawl back into bed and sleep on everything that just happened. I decide to go to my apartment and grab some additional things to bring to Sonny's. When I get back to his place awhile after lunch I am shocked to see Sonny back at his apartment, "what are you doing here?" I ask, walking in with two bags "you should be at work."

"Friggen Charles Morales." He mutters angrily, picking up a beer and sipping from it.

"What?" I ask, dumbfounded.

He looks bewildered but explains, "he managed to get me suspended until I meet with IAB at the end of the week."

"What? Why? Why would he do that?" I ask, coming further into the apartment to talk to him.

He shakes his head, "maybe he's trying to get payback? I don't know. Luckily Benson managed to pull it off so I can get paid for the time off."

"Payback for what?" I ask, never fully listening to the second part of his statement.

He shrugs again, "I don't know, you brought him there, maybe he's getting payback for that." He utters.

My mouth hangs open, a bit offended. It's not just what he said, but how he said it. Like I purposefully brought him there to ruin his career, "Sonny-- I"

Before I could finish uttering my sentence, Sonny's face is registering what he just said and he's walking towards me, "Addison, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that." He gets out before reaching me. I place the two bags down on a chair and move towards the living room, "Addison, really, that came out wrong." He follows me there. I exhale and sit down, not sure what to say back to him. He stands in front of me," I just meant he's trying to pull rank, showing you what he can do for payback for setting him up. Showing us who's in control."

I nod, wishing it wasn't true but knowing it is, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Please?" He asks, dropping down to his knees to meet my eyes, "I didn't mean it how I said it. You didn't do anything wrong." I nod, telling him I understand what he's saying and trying to move past it, "don't worry, it's all going to be okay." He rubs his hand through my hair and I meet his eyes.

I see it then that he truly believes it will be okay and I nod to agree, "well, since you're here, what do you want for dinner?"

He runs his hand across the back of his neck and answers, "my mom called me, was hoping to come by tonight. She's going to the theatre with a friend."

"Oh, that's fine! I can eat at home." I nod quickly back at him.

He laughs quietly, "I don't want you to eat at home. We'll all eat here together. That way we can tell her about the engagement."

"Engagement." I repeat the word, "sounds so weird."

"But it feels so right." He says back, leaning up to give me a kiss. I kiss him back for a few moments but he pulls away and asks, "so, the three of us will eat here?" I nod to agree, my stomach starting to knot at the idea of telling his mother that her son is engaged to me.

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