Chapter 4: Questions

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"Detective Carisi?" I call out once outside the lieutenant's office. He turns to look at me, "can I go to that hotel now?" After going over everything in detail with the two of them, Lieutenant Benson wanted me to sign a statement. Its been over 24 hours since the incident and I can't bear to be in my own skin anymore.

He walks over, "sure, let me tell the boss I'm taking you." He holds up a finger and walks past me. I wait holding his jacket still around me for him to return and when he does he walks me back to the same car from before. We go into a hotel and over to the check-in desk, "it's not the Ritz Carlton but it's nice, you'll be comfortable here."

"Thanks," I mumble and wait as he talks to the man behind the desk. After 5 minutes or so he hands me a key and walks me to my door, "okay Addison, we'll contact you soon. If you need anything, give me a call. You did really good." He pats me on the shoulder.

"Thank you, detective," I whisper back, ready to just get in and clean myself off. He smiles and nods before going to walk away. I go into the room, lock all 3 locks and quickly peel everything off and get into the shower before it even gets hot. I stay in there for over an hour, rubbing my skin raw with hot water and soap. I used everything the bathroom has to try and clean off but I don't feel clean enough. I wrap myself in a towel, my hair as well and head out of the bathroom. I try to stay distracted by watching T.V but I can't get my mind off of that night, off of what he did to me. In the rush of everything, I forgot my cell phone back in my apartment, which I won't be able to get back into at least for the night. I decided to try and get something into my stomach and order room service. The burger and fries arrive 45 minutes after I order them but they sit in front of me, barely touched. I lay in the bed, staring at the ceiling not sure what to do for the rest of the night. I called out of work for the rest of the week. My boss wasn't happy but at this point, I could care less.

The phone rings and stirs me out of whatever semi-slumber I was in. I groggily walk to the phone and answer it with hesitation, "hello?" I ask.

"Addison, this is detective Rollins from SVU. We're going to need you to come in and answer some more questions." She informs me with a flat tone.

"Oh. Uhm. Okay. What time is it?" I ask her, rubbing my eyes.

"It's 2 in the afternoon." She answers.

"What?" I ask, turning to the clock on the wall. I just fell asleep like 20 minutes ago, it couldn't really already be 2 in the afternoon, "ok. Yea, I'll come in now." I tell her.

"Thanks." She says and I hang up the phone. I quickly put on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt that was given to me at the precinct and make my way out of the hotel. As I walk down the road I can't help but feel self-conscious, like everyone around is looking at me strangely and judging me. I keep turning around, waiting for Jason to be behind me and do everything all over again. I slink back into the station and the first person I see is detective Rollins at a desk. I walk over to her and cough to grab her attention from the screen she is staring at. "Thanks for coming in Addison, I have some questions for you," she smiles a fake smile and walks me to an interrogation room. She sits me down and returns a few minutes later with a computer screen, "we got the security camera from your building and the surrounding area. Now, you said Jason got a driver to take you home?" She questions

"That's right." I return. She pulls up the video feed and I watch as I pull up to my apartment in a yellow taxi. She pauses it for me and then looks to me for an answer. "He dropped me off at the wrong street. I didn't even realize it until I was trying to get into the wrong building. I hailed a taxi," I simply explain.

"Alright," she clicks a few buttons and it moves to the camera in my apartment building, "whoever did this was well aware of the cameras in the building. Every angle we have his face is shaded away. So tell me how you know this is Jason when he never shows his face?" She pauses it when he knocks on my door, about to put the mask on.

I snarl towards her, "because if you fast forward it an hour or so when he leaves you'll see when he takes his mask off when walking away he has a tattoo on his neck." She eyes me but does as I say and fast forwards the tape. When the door opens again she lets it play and I watch for the hundredth time as he waltz's away from the apartment like he did nothing wrong and me yelling after him in tears on the ground.

"So, sometime after the rape, you got your hands on this tape? How did that happen?" She inquires, sitting up in her chair waiting for my response.

"So, sometime after the rape, you got your hands on this tape? How did that happen?" She inquires, sitting up in her chair waiting for my response

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I sigh, annoyed with all these questions, "I learned a few computer tricks when I was in Stanford. The apartment security system isn't high end, it took 20 minutes to get a hold of it." I tell her honestly. "Are you seriously thinking this wasn't Jason?" I push, "That's the exact dragon tattoo he has on his back! I would know, I was with him when he got it!"

"Okay, calm down. We just had to clarify everything. We're on your side." She puts her hands up to assure me.

"Sure doesn't seem like it. Can I go now?" I ask her, not wanting to be there anymore, feeling attacked again.

"Yes, but please stay local." She tells me.

I scoff towards her and open the interrogation room door to leave. Lieutenant Benson stands at the window, looking at me and I excuse myself past her. I go to leave when detective Carisi spots me, "Addison, what are you doing here?" He asks.

"Your lieutenant here doesn't believe me." I snarl at him, "had the blonde interrogate me and re-question me."

He looks to the dark haired women behind me with questioning eyes but she doesn't seem to show any remorse as she explains, "we had some follow up questions after reviewing the tape. Listen," she comes closer to us, "we do believe you. This is going to be a tough case given who this man's father is. We are just being thorough before moving forward." She assures him and me.

"So you are going to move forward with this?" I question her.

"Yes. I am going to call our ADA now to talk about our future steps. Please, go back to the hotel and wait for us to call with more information." She encourages me.

"Sure." I sigh, not sure I'm ready for everything to be going forward so quickly.

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