Chapter 50: Happiness

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I calm down enough to leave Sonny's side and wait in the waiting room for him. I get a cup of coffee and keep my focus on the Styrofoam cup when Olivia and the rest of his team walk into the room. My nerves creep back into me and I worry about what she's going to say as she walks over. Instead of saying something first, I let her address me, "Addison, we just want to thank you for what you did."

"What?" I ask, dumbfounded at her words.

Amanda returns, "I mean, you probably should've come to us with the phone message, but we would've done the same thing, under the circumstances." Her voice is low, so the other officers and people in the room don't hear our conversation.

"Oh, okay. Well, you don't have to thank me. Sonny's in here because of me." I shrug back.

Fin answers from the back, "naw, he ain't." I go to explain further but he doesn't let me get more than a sound out, "he likes you a lot Addison, everyone can see that. You didn't do this, Jacob did." He asserts what he means "all on him."

I nod, still not believing what they are saying, "ya, alright." I try to change the topic, "the EMT's said everything looked okay, but they are doing some scans to see if there is any internal bleeding."

"Se we'll be here awhile," Amanda adds on, taking a seat next to me.

"Do you uh, want to take my statement?" I ask Olivia, being a bit familiar with how things in her department work at this point.

She takes the other seat next to me and Finn next to her and shakes her head, "not now, for now, we're just gonna wait for word on our friend in there." She pats her hand on my knee.

I nod my head to thank her, not ready to go through it all so soon again. Amanda, Olivia, and Fin try to keep my mind off things with a deck of cards the hospital had lying around. We play a few games together and in the middle of my war game with Amanda, the doctor comes out. We all stand, and she comes over to Olivia first, "Hi Olivia. He's going to be okay, there is no internal bleeding. We're keeping him overnight for observation, we do believe he has a concussion. He's asking to see you all." She smiles, stepping aside to let them all through.

I stay behind, figuring she meant all as in his team. The three of them move forward towards the two doors towards the patient rooms. Fin stops and looks to me, "you comin'?" He asks.

I nod and stumble forward towards them to follow them in. As I walk into the room I hear Sonny already greeting everyone, "Hey Luei. Thanks for coming."

"Of course, Carisi." She returns kindly.

"Hey Manda, Fin." He gives a curt head nod.

"Hey" the two of them recite back together.

I stay in the back of the room, not sure where my place is right now. Sonny stirs just a little in his bed and see's me, "Addison, c'mere." He tells me, smiling.

Although I can tell everyone is waiting for me to move forward to him, I feel frozen in place. When I can actually see the three detectives looking at me is when I actually move. I go over next to his bed and he grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb over it again as he did in the ambulance hours ago. "Guys, I have something important I want to say." He gets out, his eyes glistening as he is looking at me. After everything we've just been through tonight, I can't help but melt as he looks at me, his beautiful smile, sandy blonde hair, and crystal blue eyes make me want to fall to my knee's. I wrap my other hand around our already intertwined fingers, needing some more stability. He continues on, "I didn't think I was gonna make it out tonight."

I ask him, forgetting about the others in the room "you didn't think I'd come?"

He chuckles, "I knew you'd come, and I was scared he'd kill you along with me." He informs me, then going back to what he was saying, "when he told me his plan, to blow the building up once his father came, everything flashed before me. I wasn't gonna be a lawyer, I wasn't gonna be an uncle, I wouldn't be a husband. Those hours tied to that chair really showed me what I want in my life and what I want is you." His eyes are back on mine. Although I was listening entirely to what he was saying, his last word caught me off guard.

"You have me," I whisper back, everyone else melts away.

He shakes his head a bit but smiles, "I want you to marry me."

"Wh-what?" I utter back, not even sure I heard him correctly.

His smile somehow grows even wider and he sits up further in his bed, "marry me."

"Sonny" I whisper his name. Of course, I'd say yes to him, but is that really what he wants? To marry someone as damaged as I am. Maybe if we met before my rape, maybe if things were different I'd understand, but now?

As if he's reading my mind, he says to me, "look, I asked them to come in here because I'd knew you'd be skeptical about yourself. But Addison, I don't see you as a victim, I see you as the most beautiful, fun, engaging women that I have ever met and I want you to ask them if you don't believe me."

I shake my head, "no, no. That's okay." I look away from him now and at my hands, fully aware of everyone in the room again, all eyes on me.

"No, really. Amanda." I can see him look to her for backup.

She sighs and tells me, "it's true Addison, he absolutely adores you. It's all we can do to get him to shut up at work about you. No offense." She adds on. I'm looking at her now, and I give her a polite smile.

Fin adds on, "I mean, it's not every day you're told you're gonna get blown up. That really does make you put things into perspective, and we've all known for a while you've got him smitten."

"See?" Sonny rhetorically adds on, "I don't want there to be a doubt in your mind about how much you mean to me. Addison, I love you. Marry me."

He puts it this time as more of a statement than a question. I feel myself lighten the bite I had on my lower lip and begin to nod my head, "okay, I'll marry you, Sonny." I somehow choke out over the wave of emotion that rushed over me. He leans a bit forward and I lean down towards him to meet his kiss. My one hand rests on his side and the other reaches around his neck. His hand finds the side of my face and it's nothing like I've ever felt before. This kiss is full of passion and love. It's one that's telling me I have a future with him, one I've never thought I'd get to have.

 It's one that's telling me I have a future with him, one I've never thought I'd get to have

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Eventually, the sound of clapping in the room separates our lips but not our hands. We both look to his team as they smile back at us, finally stopping their clapping, "congratulations you two" Olivia says first, a large grin on her face.

"I'm happy for you Sonny, congrats!" Amanda adds on.

"Come on you guys, let's give them some time to themselves." Fin puts one arm on Amanda's shoulder.

"Wait, don't you need my statement?" Sonny calls to Olivia before she exits the room last.

She shakes her head, turning over her shoulder to look at him, "we'll get it in the morning. See you later." She shuts the door behind her and we are left alone.

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