Chapter 12: Talking

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"Look, I know you've been through a lot, but Jason is here and he's asking to talk to you," Sonny tells me once Benson is gone and the door is shut.

I shake my head, "I don't know if I can see him. I-- I accused him of raping me."

"You truly believed he did it, and all the evidence we had then backed that up. He'll understand." He tries to encourage me.

"I don't know." I say, biting my lower lip, "what do I even say to him?" I question.

"I don't know, just go in and see where it leads. I can go in with you if you'd like." He offers to support me.

"No, that's okay," I say, trying to be sure that's what I want.

He walks me to another room and I look through the window at Jason. His hair is disheveled and he looks exhausted, dark circles encasing his brown eyes. Sonny opens the door and goes in first, "Jason." He grabs his attention and once Jason eyes him, he speaks again, "Addison is here to talk to you. Please, remember what she went through." He tells him and Jason nods to agree he understands him or something.

"Hi," I say once I'm in the doorway.

"Addison." Jason's voice is low when his eyes meet mine.

Sonny steps behind me, "I'll be right outside" he whispers before shutting me in the room with him.

I walk slowly over to the table and sit across from him, keeping my hands in my lap. Although I now know he wasn't the one who raped me, I still feel sick around him, like he's bad by default. It takes all my energy to keep my eyes trained on him, "I'm uhm. I'm sorry Jason. I don't even know where to begin." I get out in just above a whisper.

"Please, addy!" He sighs out what he used to call me in college, "I saw the video from your apartment. It looked just like me. I'm sorry about what happened. How are you?" He asks, seeming to generally care.

I shrug back, "as good as can be expected, I guess." He nods as if he understands. "Actually, no. I'm a friggen mess. I'm about to lose my job, I can't stay in my own apartment, I feel disgusting and gross every moment of every day!" I throw my elbow on the table, putting my head in my hand and grabbing at my hair, "I don't know how to move on from this."

"I'm so sorry." He whispers back. We sit in silence for a few minutes, neither of us having more to say. Eventually, he breaks the silence with a question, "why are you about to lose your job?"

"Because I can't go to work. Someone is following me. We thought it was you trying to pay me off but now that we don't even know who did this--" I trail off.

"So where are you staying?" He follows up.

"Uhh--" I hesitate not sure how to respond, "the detectives found a nice woman for me to stay with, downtown." I keep it simple, giving almost no detail.

He puts his hand over mine from across the table "you could always stay at my father's Addison, there is a ton of space!" He offers, "and more than enough room."

"Uhm, thanks. I don't think that's a really good idea though." I semi-smirk, slowly removing my hand from under his. He looks at me as if he doesn't understand and I turn my head back to the window. I know Jason knows he's been cleared but does he know the rapists DNA somehow matches his?

The door opens and Benson walks in with another folder. She sits next to him and he asks slowly, "what's going on?" His eyes shift between the two of us.

She opens the file and pushes the DNA papers over to him and starts to explain, "your DNA isn't an exact match to her rape kit."

"Exact match? I didn't do it!" His voice squeaks, defending himself against her words with bulging eyes.

She holds her hands up slightly, "we know, but when we tested your DNA against the rape sample it came back with some partial matches." She points to the two different strands on the paper.

"What are you saying?" He asks, not following along.

"That my rapist is related to you, Jason." I clarify simply, just wanting to get out of there.

"How-- how is that possible?" He pushes the chair back, confused and probably angry.

Benson tries to explain, "do you have any cousins or uncles?" She asks.

She shakes his head, "I'm an only child, my father is too! And you saw the video, it's obviously not him!" He starts to get more defensive.

"Of course not!" Benson quickly objects the thought, "but we have evidence to show that whoever did this, is related to you."

"Is that-- can that be a coincidence?" He asks, eyes squinted.

"Doesn't feel like it." I return, wrapping my arms around myself.

He stares through me now, thinking who knows what. He finally stands up with aggression, the metal chair sliding on the hard floor, "I need to talk to my father, he needs to know about this!" He walks to the door.

Benson stops him, "we would like to look into it first if you don't mind?" She asks.

"What? Why?" He basically yells.

"We don't want whoever did this to go into hiding. If your father gets involved, gets the government involved, that just may send him underground." She explains.

"So you want me to hide this from him?" He pushes, clearly annoyed.

"Jason, please?" I ask, turning to face him knowing he would more than likely listen to me then to her, "just for a little bit. Let them do their jobs."

"My dad can get people to do it too, Addison." He offers back "he's the governor ."

"But I can trust them," I say, hoping I wouldn't have to remind him about freshman year at Stanford.

He lowers his head with a sigh before re-positioning and standing tall, "2 days, then I tell him what's going on." He looks directly at lieutenant Benson when he said that. "Sorry again l, Addison," he looks back to me, "call me if you need anything, I'm always here for you."

"Thanks" I reply back. He leaves the room and Benson puts the paper back into the folder, "so, what do I do?" I ask her.

"Detective Carisi told me you'd think about talking to someone?" I nod to confirm, "that's a good thing. We're getting a list of numbers for you."

"Ok. Thanks." I utter back, following her out of the room and to the elevator.

Sonny and Rollins come over to me, "we're going to take you back now." Rollins tells me.

"You guys don't have to do that, I'll be fine." I try to assure them.

Sonny declines, "you could still be being followed. We'll make sure if you are, we lose them." The elevator bings.

"Sure. Can I stop and get somethings from my apartment first then since you're with me?" I ask, wanting some more clothes.

"Of course," Rollins assures and we go.

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