Chapter 30: Falling

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I hear the door to Sonny's room open and I slow myself from jumping up and running into the room. I slowly take steps to the opened connected door and meet him there with a smile already on his face, "hey, hope you like Indian!" He says with a greasy bag in his hands. He looks behind me then back to me, "where's Jason?" He asks, his smile fading away.

"He left," I tell him, "I'm sorry, Sonny. I know you wanted me to keep him here but I just couldn't be around him. He kissed me and wanted to get back together and I just needed him to leave." I blurt everything out, feeling somewhat guilty after he kissed me.

"Hey, hey." He quickly puts the bag down on a side table and comes back over to me, putting a hand on my shoulder "don't apologize. Are you okay?" He asks caring, probably noticing the tears I'm trying to fight from forming. Of course, here they come again, always with Sonny around.

"I'm fine. I'm just glad he's not here right now." I tell him walking over to the bed with Sonny. "He kept pushing about you and me and I just don't want to get you in trouble with Benson or IAB."

"You're not going to get me in trouble Addison. I told Benson today about us." He informs.

"What?" I ask, not sure what he told her, "what did you say?"

He smiles, causing my stomach to flop and explains, "that I was falling for a woman I've met on the job and that I plan on moving forward in asking her out."

"Wait, what?" I ask, my head and heart racing

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"Wait, what?" I ask, my head and heart racing.

He chuckles a little, "I want to move forward with us Addison. Can we do that?" He takes hold of my hand "are you okay with that?"

"Like date?" I ask him.

He nods and adds on, "officially." His beautiful smile never fading.

I swallow hard, wanting to move forward with us as well but nervous in doing so, "I want to, but after what happened I'm scared. I don't know how things will go."

He listens to me intently, "things will go wherever you do or do not want them to go."

I nod my head eagerly then, happy to hear what he said, "then yes, let's do it."

Sonny leans down to me and kisses me softly. His hand lacing my hair, "ready to eat?" He asks in a whisper when he pulls away.

I pull him back, "not yet" I mutter through a kiss. I can feel him laugh just a little while he leans back towards me for more kissing.

We kiss for a few minutes before he pulls away with both hands on my legs, "come on, darling

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We kiss for a few minutes before he pulls away with both hands on my legs, "come on, darling. Let's eat." He stands up, taking my hand and bringing me to his room and serves me some Indian food, " I'm gonna go make sure Jason got back to his father's house, give me a minute." He steps away from the table and pulls out his cell phone. He stays in the room, not turning away while talking to someone on the phone. When he hangs up he returns to the table and picks up his fork, "he got back, they're keeping a close eye around the home in case he was followed."

"So he knows not to come back here?" I ask to make sure.

"The officer he paid off is a part of his father's team, but Benson called and warned them, they should know better than to let it happen again." He explains.

"Good." I return, taking another bite. When we're finished eating I ask, "are you going back to the precinct today?"

He shakes his head, "I'm all yours the rest of the day."

"Lucky me" I smirk back, blushing at my own thoughts and looking away.

"Want to tell me whatcha you're thinkin' about over there?" Sonny calls me out.

"Nope" I smile back, hoping he lets it go.

He nods and chuckles, "okay. Why don't we order a bad movie and put it on the precincts tab?"

"That a good idea?" I ask squishing up my nose.

"They're saving money putting me here for this, they can spare $6.50 for a movie." He assures and moves to the bed. He sits down with his back against the headboard and flicks off his shoes. I go to the other side and sit next to him. He grabs the remote and flips through the movie choices. He clicks on a movie and as soon as it starts he turns to me and asks, "would you want to come to Anastasia's baptism with me this Sunday?"

"Sunday?" I repeat, a bit taken aback by this request. He nods confirming what he said. "Sure, that'd be nice" I lie, nervous to be around him in a church. It's one thing to pretend to pray during dinner but another to go into a church and lie about what I believe now. It's not that I couldn't do that, I just know that it's wrong.

Sonny taps me on the arm, "you're thinking too much, if you don't wanna come that's okay too, I get it." He offers kindly. "My family will be there and they've all been dying to meet you" he adds on.

"To meet me?" I ask, still confused as to why they'd want to meet me.

"I told you I was falling for you Addison. My sister clearly saw it too and told my entire family about you" he explains.

"I'll get to meet your family? That's great." I try to sound enthusiastic.

"If it's too much for you, I understand. I don't want to push you to anything you don't want to do." He says in a calm and nice tone, "just wanted to see if it was something you'd be interested in coming to."

I shake my head, "there's no way I'd miss the chance to meet the family of the man I'm falling for." I repeat his words back to him.

"Yah?" He asks, his face lighting up like a Christmas tree. I nod back to him with my own smile and he wraps me into his chest and holds me close to him.

Simply Sonny: An SVU love storyWhere stories live. Discover now