Chapter 6: Bella

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"Where are we?" I ask now that we've paid a third taxi and have driven around different blocks for an hour. He opens a door with a key and I follow him up some stairs.

"My sister's place." He says nonchalantly as he walks over to a door and knocks.

"What?" I ask, but before I could get an answer a women answers the door with an apron around her waist and a phone in her hand.

"Dominick, what are you doin' here?" Her Staten Island accent somehow more thick than his.

He shakes his head, "I told you to call me Sonny, Bella." He leans down and kisses her on the cheek.

"You brought a girl home?" He questions eyeing me with something strange.

I shake my head, trying to clear up the misconception floating around in the air but Carisi does it for me, trying to whisper, "don't you read your texts? I told you I had to come by with a victim, it's a long story Bella, but I need her to stay here for the night." He walks further into the room.

Bella ushers me inside and shuts the door with a thud behind me, "I haven't talked to you in a week and you show up with some girl telling me she needs to stay. What is this all about?" She asks going into the kitchen.

I hear a baby cry from somewhere else in the area and detective Carisi is out of sight for only a moment before returning with an adorable baby in his arms, "I can't give you details but can you do that for me? Until we can get her somewhere safe tomorrow?" He asks her, rocking the baby back and forth.

I hear a baby cry from somewhere else in the area and detective Carisi is out of sight for only a moment before returning with an adorable baby in his arms, "I can't give you details but can you do that for me? Until we can get her somewhere safe ...

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His sister stands there bewildered but eventually sighs out with a small smile, "I can't say no while you are playing the doting uncle. Fine, yes, she can stay." She ushers back over to me, a spoon in her hand, "I'm Bella."

"Addison." I return shaking her hand. After releasing it she turns her back and returns to the pot on the stove. "Uhm, detective Carisi--" I call to him to get his attention, "can I talk to you?"

He nods with a smile and walks back over to me near the door, "I told you, call me Sonny."

"Right. Sonny." I mentally try to make that note stick. "It's really nice of your sister to let me stay but I don't want to intrude. I can get my own hotel for the night, it's not a big deal."

"No, we can't have you using your cards or anything right now. If you are being followed by Jason or someone he has hired then that would be an easy way to find you." He explains.

"Why would he hire someone to follow me?" I ask confused, "what happened when you brought him in" I push for answers, remembering only now that he was supposed to tell me about it at the cafe.

"Come in." He suggests walking over to the small couch in the room. He sits down with the happy baby and I sit down next to him, waiting for answers, "he swears he didn't do anything and believes he is being framed" he explains to me in one breathe.

"What?" I ask loudly, causing the baby to adjust uncomfortably in Sonny's arm. I look to him with an apologetic look and continue, "but you have evidence! The video, the rape kit!"

He nods, "I know. The video is strong evidence but we are just waiting for his DNA to come back and we'll have him nailed to the wall."

I shake my head still not understanding why he would have someone follow me, "why would he follow me or have someone follow me?" I ask the questions circulating around in my head.

He shrugs, "you did say he came to you to pay you off, maybe he wants to offer you more money? I don't know, but we're gonna keep you safe until we figure it out."

I believe him and smile slightly, "she's beautiful." I say looking down at the baby in his arms.

"Wanna hold her?" He asks adjusting just a little to hand her to me.

I shake my head, "no, that's okay. She's happy with you." I decline.

Bella comes into the living room, "the least you could do for me is stay for dinner, Dominick. Tommy is working late tonight, I could use some help with her." She says to him eyeing the baby.

"I'll stay" he returns looking to her.

I look between the two of them, amazed how much they look alike, "is it just you two?" I ask as she sets the table.

Sonny laughs, "no. I have 2 other sisters as well."

"Poor Dominick was raised surrounded by all women, it's why he's so good at his job!" Bella compliments him.

He blushes, "stop" and puts the little girl in a baby chair. We sit down and Bella and Sonny join hands, both of their other hands waiting for me to connect, "oh" I exclaim, understanding their waiting to say grace. I slowly grab both their hands and bow my head, familiar with how this works. Sonny prays, "Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen."

Bella and I recite Amen after and the 2 of them do the sign of the cross. Sonny starts by serving Bella and myself before putting food on his plate. "So Addison, what do you for a living?" She asks, spinning the spaghetti with a fork.

I do the same, just spinning it, not really hungry, "I'm a teacher." I say back.

"Do you like that? I always thought I'd be a good teacha." She says back.

"You'd be a terrible teacher!" Sonny laughs back at her, "you don't know your cities from your states." He mocks.

She slaps him on the arm, "shut up! I know Albany is the capital of New York and that's all that matta's." She turns her attention back to me, "besides, I wasn't talking to you, Dominick."

"So is Dominick your first name or Sonny?" I ask the detective making conversation.

"Dominick Carisi Junior." He speaks with his mouth full. He finishes chewing before continuing, "I prefer Sonny though."

"Where did that nickname come from?" I ask.

He and Bella laugh, "a story for another time." He says with a smirk. The rest of the dinner is just a lot of back and forth between Bella and Sonny, occasionally she will ask me a question that I answer with few words. After dinner, detective Carisi begins to clear off the table and I take that time to move to the sink and start doing dishes, "I'll do that, go relax." He offers dropping the last plate into the sink.

I shake my head as he takes the dish I'm washing from my hand, "that's alright. I'd like to help." I tell him.

He eyes me with a side glance and tosses me a hand towel, "you can dry then." He smirks.

Simply Sonny: An SVU love storyWhere stories live. Discover now