Beauty ...

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Tiffany pov
"Aye! Wake the fuck up!" My stepdad yells in my ear.
I get up and go right to the bathroom with my towel because if I groan, stretch or do anything other wise than getting up, I get beat. I turned on the shower, and undressed seeing all my bruises and scars all over me. I sigh.

It will repeat ..

The water was finally hot, and I went in feeling the nice hot water all over me, beating on my back, and massaging all the bruises on me.

30 minutes later
I hop out the shower because I'm not allowed to be in it for more than 30 minutes. I wrap my towel around me and pick up my dirty clothes. I open the bathroom door slightly looking through it to see if I was in the clear. No one was in the hallway so I opened it all the way and speed walked to my room, closing and locking the door.
I sigh relieved.
I don't want my stepdad to see me like this because he's been looking at me weirdly lately. Like he wants me. Like he's hungry.
It's really scaring me so I be very cautious.
I go to my closet and put on this.
I love dis outfit so much
Picture her without that purse but a backpack instead

I don't like showing my curves like that like those other hoes do, so I pulled the shirt down over my butt

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I don't like showing my curves like that like those other hoes do, so I pulled the shirt down over my butt. If you're wondering, where I get these clothes from, I steal. I secretly go in my parent room and steal about $500 and sneak out to the mall all the time. They don't even care what I'm wearing anyway. I lotion up and out on deodorant, and put on a long black sweater that stops below my butt. I put my hair two pigtails. I'm the nerd type, but childish lmao. I put my hood over my head, like always. I wear this black sweater everyday, over my clothes. I put on perfume, and get my iPhone 5, and headphones off the charger. I go to sneak back to the bathroom and put makeup on my hands, neck, and face covering the bruises because those parts show, but there's bruises all over my body. I run back, and grab my backpack and and put it over my shoulders. I put my hood on again, and look down, as I walked down the stairs and quickly walking out the house passing my parents who were smoking by the way. I live in the worst area of Ypsilanti Michigan while I go to Yipsi high. I walk down the street being careful, but quick because it's dangerous, and it's still dark since its 6am. I walk to my bus stop where the others are while my hands are still in my pockets, and my head is down and I haven't picked it up at all.
The bus finally comes and I walk in it last to prevent any trouble. I walk to an empty seat with my head hanged low as I hear people talking shit about me. I sit down and put my backpack on my lap and lay my head down on it as the bus started to move.
"Excuse me, how come everyone else is lighter than you?" This white girl asked.
I looked back down as her and her friend began chuckling.
The bus came to the next bus stop
"HAAAAANNNN!!!!" I hear a bunch if girls yell walking onto the bus.

He we go y'all,

My real bullies.

I continue to look down with my hood on as I hear them pass.
"Hey nigg**" Sha'Miyra said to me.
It's the word that they called slaves back then, but it's too strong and I don't wanna say it because it's too sad,
Its not nigga or negro, its ni**er.............yeaaaaa.
But now y'all get it so let's keep goin wit da story.
I continue to look down as tears went in my eyes.
"Aye nigg**!! Go to the plantation for me!" Daniel, one of my other bullies Kiara's boyfriend.
They started giggling.
"Oh and if you don't do what any of us say, we'll light you on fire, and stop the Underground Railroad!!!" Kiara yelled.
The back of the bus, where my bullies are, began to laugh along with some others around the bus.
"Bruh!!! That was a good one Kiara!" Natasha, another one of my bullies yelled.
I began to cry.
I felt footstep get louder to my seat, and a huge hit in my head,
"Yea, you should cry black ass bitch," Natasha said hitting my in the head again.
I grab my head spans started crying even more.
I felt a stinging sensation to my face after I let go on my head. I looked up to see Kiara. She grabbed my hair causing my hood to come off and smacked me again.
Nobody did anything,
But they would do something if it was someone else besides me.
More hit were being it in my head and I couldn't fight back. I was then grabbed by my hair off the seat and I felt mor people hurt me. All I could do was cry.

"Hey leave her alone!" I heard a male voice yell.
"Stop that!" Another male voice yelled.
I felt lithe hands that were hitting and kicking me and pull my hair lessen.
"Leave her the fuck alone! What the fuck is wrong with y'all?" A male voice said again.
The bus was nearly silent of people watching.
I looked up still holding my head to see a boy with a Afro standing next to me yelling at them along with a guy who was taller than him with dreads.

Oh they're lightskin....

They'll turn on me reeeaaalll quick because of the rumors about me.

"Nigga why you stepping up for her??!!! She ducking darkskin!! Youon' wan her!!!" Daniel yelled.
"Ion like bullies." The guy with dreads said.
"I ain't a bully." Daniel said standing up.
"Yes you are nigga are you blind?" The boy with the Afro strikes back.
"Aye I'm new, ion care who y'all are but this shit sad." The boy with the Afro says.

The boy with the Afro looks down at me while I quickly look to the floor.
He bends down to my level.
"Are you ok? I'm sorry about this." He says helping me up back to the seat.
"It's fine, it's normal." I say weakly grinning.
"Thank you so much, but I guess you could go with them because I'm not as light or appealing." I say facing facts. Afro puff sits on the seat next to me looking at me like I'm stupid.
"Why would I do that to you?" He asked.
"It's normal, you could go, I don't need help, thank you though," I say turning away.
"I'm not gone hurt you." He says softly.
"My name's Mateo. What's yours?" He asks.
I begin to cry.
"Don't cry, you're to beautiful to cry." He says sympathetically.
"No I'm not," I say putting my hand over my face.
"Yes you are, I wanna no your name." He says rubbing my back.
I flinch at his touch, and ignore him and continue crying.
"Until you tell me yo name, imma call you beauty." He says still rubbing my back.
"But I'm not beautiful." I spat wiping my tears but fail with me crying all over again.
"In my perspective, you are, and I'm going to call you that weather you like it or not. Okay beauty?" He says assuring me.

I hate that nickname but I guess I have to go with it.
I hesitantly nod
"Wipe your tears beauty because they ain't worth it. If they touch you again, tell me, or my brother, he got dreads. Okay beauty?" He asks.
I nod lying.
I won't be able to tell him anyway because he would turn on me by then.

"Get used to that name beauty, because I'll be calling you that for a long time." He says

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