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Tiffany pov
Mateo smirked and started playing with my hair. "So you a model? You gone model for bitches?"

I rolled my eyes while holding Tiara. "No."

He chuckled.

"Beauty. Are you going to college?"

I nod. "Absolutely."

"I'm not." He said lowly.

I sit up and look at him. "Why? That's how you get a degree."

He shrugged. "I don't think I'm capable of college."

I took his phone, and went on PowerSchool. Mateo has all A's, and a C+ in technology.

"Mateo, you have all A's and a C+ why can't you do it?"

He shrugged. "Ion know,"

"You can. Jus raise that C up and do Columbia with me."

He took Tiara from me, and rubbed her back. I turned and sat facing him putting my legs on his.

He looked at me weirdly. "Columbia? That college too good for me."

"Since when have you said somethin is too good for you? When you're cocky as hell dafuq?"

"Since now."

"Forreal. Pwease. Jus raise that grade up and you could go to Columbia, and if you were to apply for a job, you would get it because you went to a good college."


I smiled and pecked his lips. "Thank you."

I took Mateo's phone and went online on Columbia and applied for him.

1 month later...

I'm just coming back from a photo shoot, and Mateo has Tiara and is at his house. I walk in my aunt and uncles, and my aunt comes up to me with a huge smile on her face. She hugs me tightly.

I raise an eyebrow. "What happen auntie?"

She took an envelope out her pocket and gave it to me. I open it, and I see that I got into Columbia.

My face lit up, and I gasped. My aunt shrieked while I did the same, and we started jumping around and hugging each other.

She pulled away, and walked away. "You have bright futures."

She came back to me with Tiara, and I went upstairs.

I was about to text Mateo saying that I got into Columbia, but he texted me before I could type.

❤️Tator❤️: Meet me behind the school .
Me: Why behind the school ?
❤️Tator❤️: Bae jus come. And get your aunt, uncle, or cousins to take care of Tiara.
Me: Uhh ok. Buh I got into Columbia.
❤️Tator❤️: 😊me too ...
Me: yay

I put Tiara in her crib, and change into black joggers, space jams, and a long sleeve black shirt. I pick up Tiara and go downstairs, and give her to my aunt.

"By auntie." I smile.

"Bye hun." She smiled back rocking Tiara.

I walked out, and went to the city bus stop.


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