Mean, and nice.

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Tiffany pov
I'm back at school now, none of my parents visited, but Mateo, Ayleo, and others named Key. They said that their other friend Zavi was stabbed twice while helping fight off my stepdad. I just threw on sweatpants, and sweatshirt, and uggs, and all, and now I'm walking into the school doors.
I then accidentally bumped into Keniya. I didn't mean to, I was looking to the floor like normal.
"Watch it black bitch! And you think everyone is gone treat you nice now because you got supposedly 'raped' by your 'stepdad'," She says in air quotes.
"Nobody is going to fucking do shit for you got it!" And stay away from that new lightskin Afro puff because he don't want you, because yous dark and ugly, but he will be mine by the end of day." She says pushing me to the floor.
I try and get back up, but my leg went out, and she tripped over my leg causing her to fall.
Oh no.
"BITCH!!" She yelled she grabbed my hair and began punching me, and I can't do anything about it.
"Aye move!" I heard someone yell.
I already knew that it was Mateo.
I felt her hands come off me, and I looked up with tears in my eyes to see Ayleo grabbing her and pushing her to the ground.
"Hey!!" I heard teachers yell.
They then ran held Ayleo back because he was about to blow a fuse, and beat her up.
I looked at Mateo and he was clenching his fist with his eyes shut tight trying not to blow a fuse.
Keniya started crying as teachers helped her up. They don't even know what happened.
"She a fucking bully!!" Ayleo yelled.
"There's more too!!" Mateo yelled.
"Ion even know how much more there is bullying her but there's a lot!!" He added on.
I couldn't even move in how much pain I am.
A crowd started forming.
"Go to class!!" Security guards yelled.
Mateo came and picked me up bridal style, and walked towards the school doors ignoring the teachers telling him to come back.
He walked towards a car, and I just stared at him looking up at him.
He looked mad.
He met eyes with me, and I looked down.
"It's not don't deserve this. You're too beautiful for this. It don't matter what yo skin tone is, or yo race. Nobody deserves to get bullied." He says reaching the car.
I look down and dumb me with my fingers.
"C-could you put me down?" I ask weakly.
He puts me down and I carefully stand up straight.
"Thank you for what you did a couple weeks back." I say rubbing my arm and looking to the concrete ground.
"You're welcome. Who was that man?" He asked.
"M-my stepfather." I stutter.
"Oh." He says looking down. I could tell he didn't want to get too far in my personal life.

He respects me.

There was yelling, and we both jerked our heads to the school doors to see Ayleo storming out the school yelling at teachers.

He then reached us, angry unlocking  the car with his keys in his hand. Mateo opened the door for me, and I carefully went in trying my best not to hurt my bruises. He closed the door, and went to the front of the car as his brother started it.
Mateo closed the door and stared at his brother who was angry looking off into space.
"Ion like bullies." Ayleo finally said.
"I hate them wit a passion." He added on.
Mateo and I stared at him.
"Mayne, fuck it. We out now," Ayleo said.
School just started, and already problems. I was literally walking into it from the bus when this happened.
"Aye beauty, where you wanna go?" Mateo asked while scrolling on bus phone.
"Ion know." I mumbled.
Ayleo looked back at me.
"Studio." He said looking back at Mateo.
"Alright, let's go there." Mateo says putting his phone down.
Ayleo then pulled off zooming out the school driveway.
"Aye beauty, do you dance?" Mateo asked glimpsing back at me.
"Maybe," I mumbled.
"Ouuu she do." Ayleo said turning.
I smiled but quickly wiped away and looked down.
"Well, up we going to the dance studio beauty." Mateo said.
I love dancing if I haven't mentioned it.
It's my happy place.
But I don't like dancing infront  of people.

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