Dance studio

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Mateo pov
Ayleo left out the studio to get Key, Zay, and Zavi from their schools.
I was sitting on a fold up chair next to the stereo with my mask on, while I was scrolling through songs.
Beauty was on the floor at the other side of the room opposite from me with her legs crossed, and fiddling with her fingers.
Why is she shy?
Ion want her to feel shy around me.
I passed my the song Body Party by Ciara and I heard her gasp. I looked up from my phone at her, and she put her head back down going back to fiddling with her fingers. It's obvious that she likes that song so I went back to it. I could tell she was looking at me, and when I looked back at her she looked back to the floor.

I gotta pee.

"I'll be right back." I say getting up, and leaving the song on, and walking out to the bathroom.

5 minutes later
I was walking back to the studio room, and I was about to walk in until I saw Beauty leaning on the stereo and restarting the song. She the walked back to the middle, but this time she didn't look shy.
The song restarted and as soon as the hook of the song went, she started grinding and body rolling.

Lawd Jesus 👅

She looked like she was in her own world.

She loves to dance...
I can tell...

I walk in, but she didn't realize I was there. I put my hands in my pockets, and started at the way she moved. She began contemporary dancing and went right back to grinding smoothly as her head was to the floor, and her hair was hanging over her face.
"You're good at dancing." I say looking at her through the mirror.
She jumps up an turns towards my with her hand on her face, and she looked shocked.
"You were there t-the whole time?" She stuttered nervously.
I nodded.
She quickly walked by me with her head hanged low and was about to walk out, but I grabbed her arm.
"Where you goin?" I ask smirking.
"I-wanna leave." She says lowly with her head glued to the floor.
"Well you dance good, maybe I could dance with you." I say.
She shook her head no.
"Why?" I ask still smirking at her.
She shrugged.
"There has to be a reason beauty." I say looking at her seriously.
"I-I don't know." She stuttered.
"You're shy." I say bluntly.
She nodded slowly and started to tap her foot on the floor rapidly.
"I don't want you to be shy around me beauty." I say.
She hesitantly looks up at me.
"O-okay I'll dance with you." She says.
I pull her to the middle of the floor.
"What type dance you wanna do?" I ask looking down at her.
She shrugs beginning to look to the floor.
I snap my finger sternly. "Aye! Pick yo head up you too beautiful for that." I say.
"No I'm not." She says lowly and now looking back up at me.
"Yes you are. Ion wanna hear you say you not because you are alright?" I reassure her.
She nods shyly.
Body party ended and Tru by alloyed went on.
When she thought I wasn't looking, at the corner of my eye I saw her moving her hips to the song.
Her eyes were closed.
Shiiiddd imma do it.
She ended up bending down like she didn't notice her own self was doing so, and she was feelin the song.
Imma do it y'all,

Imma do it.

I walked up behind her and held her hips and she didn't back out this time. Are hips moved in sink as she rolled on me to the tempo and beat to the song.
I caught her having a smile form on her face.
I smirked.
The song ended, and Luv by Tory Lanez came on.
Both our hips changed to a faster tempo to the new song at the same time.

5 minutes later
Don't by Bryson Tiller ended, and she stopped grinding and looked up at me.
"See that wasn't so bad wasn't it?" I ask looking down at her.
"N-no." She said lowly.
I walked closer to her.
"You don't have to be shy around me beauty." I say softly.
She looked up at me.
I caught her glancing at my lips a couple times.
She wants meh.
She looked down to the floor, and I walked even closer to her gently lifting her chin up to look at me.
"You're to beautiful to look down." I say softly.
She stared at me.
"Tiffany." She says softly.
I raise one eyebrow,
"My name is Tiffany." She says hesitantly looking in my eyes.
I've always liked the name Tiffany to be honest.
"I like your name." I say walking away to change the song.
"T-thank you."

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