Basketball game

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Tiffany pov
Mateo has a basketball game, and he's been acting off lately since last night.

Speaking of last night, was crying in his sleep.


Mateo already took a shower, and I just walked out, and put on a sports bra, and shorts, and I lay down next to him. He turned and wrapped his arms around me, and I ended up falling asleep.

Hours later...

I was suddenly awakened to hearing sobs.

I turn and see Mateo with tears falling down his face, but his eyes were closed.

I shook him. "Mateo."

"No. Don't take her! NO!" He screamed.

"Mateo!" I yell shaking him even more, and he suddenly woke up, and hugged me, with him crying into my neck.

"Just bad dreams." I say softy.

I play with his hair since that calms him down, and he kept his head in my neck with him continuing to cry,

"Bae it was just a bad dream." I say wrapping my arms around him.

He rested his hand on my baby bump, and I combed my fingers through his hair until he eventually fell asleep again.

Flashback over....

Him and Ayo are already at school for the game, and Monshell is eating downstairs.

I already took a shower, so I put on a olive green shirt dress slightly above my knees since I'm pregnant, and I literally stopped wearing jeans because of it, and closing ceremony 11. I put on a choker, gold stud earrings, gold bracelets, and go.d Rolex.

I straighten my hair, and I put on perfume and go downstairs to Monshell

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I straighten my hair, and I put on perfume and go downstairs to Monshell.

She was eating cereal.

"Ain't that for the morning?" I ask.

"I guess, buh its my craving at the moment." She shrugged.

I smiled. "Ok."

After she finished her cereal we left, and we went into her car.

"I needa learn how to drive." I say softly.

She pulls out the driveway. "Shiid. I crashed on my drivers test. I had to work so fucking hard."

I laughed. "Slow bucks Buh I'm scared to drive because I feel like I would crash too."

"That's why ion like driving alone! When I drive, I tell Ayo to come with me even if I'm goin to the dollar store."

"I would do that to Mateo."

She turned. "Shit. I'm just scared of driving by myself."

I turned up the music, and Timeless was on.

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