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Tiffany pov
I lay on my bed crying into my pillow. I sit up. I need to get my life together.

My father would've wanted me to go to a very good college, like I'm aiming for Columbia, I would like to have a job, and buy an apartment. But my grades are fine, and I applied for Columbia already, and I'm waiting for a response which I'll get in about a month.

I need a job.

I get up and go to my bathroom, and I wash my face. I take a towel and dry my face, and look into the mirror.

Should I do modeling?

I don't know.

Am I pretty enough for it?


I look into the mirror again.

I mean, I may not think I'm pretty, but if they do, that's all that matters. I'll have a job with well paying money. If I get into Columbia, I could then become a lawyer, and stop modeling.

I bite my lip. I sigh. Fine.

I leave the bathroom and look into Tiara's crib to see her soundly sleeping. I put her little baby blanket on her, and but her binki into her mouth along with the little baby gloves that prevent her from scratching her face.

I go back on my bed and look at my phone, to see Mateo texting me.

❤️Tator❤️: Bae .😔❤️

Tears roll down my face again. I ignore the message and wipe my tears going onto the Internet searching for a modeling agency.

After about an hour, I finally found the perfect, and trusting modeling agency. I press the number, and call them.

1 week later.

I eye Mateo as I walk towards the city bus stop. He looked at me with remorse in his eyes, and went into a black Maserati.

I took the city bus to downtown, and I walk towards the train station. I swipe my metro north card and go towards the train.


I get off the train now in Detroit, and I walk a couple blocks to the modeling agency.

I'm real nervous to be honest. I walk in, and a lady with fair sail smiled at me. I lean on the table.

I smile "Hi. Uhh I made an appointment here. My name is Tiffany Morgan."

She wen ton her computer, and this guy came out wearing a bright purple suit.

"Ah! Tiffany! I've been waiting for you."

He took my hand, and pulled me into a studio. I saw a girl, and she was taking pictures. A fan was blowing on her, making her hair fly around gloriously, she was posing for each picture that the photographer took. I also saw another guy pointing a very bright light on her.

The guy turned me towards him and examined my face.

"Perfect nose, eyes, skin, face, and you're hair is so big!" He smiled.

"Turn around 360." He added on backing away from me.

I turned around in a full circle.

"Ugh. I needa body like you. You're short, but it works." He smiled.


"Ok. I don't even want to go through all that stuff where you gotta give me pictures of you, I need someone like you for a photo shoot now. By the way, my name is Alexis."

My eyes widened. "O-ok."

He looked around. "Kate! Where is Kate!"

"I'll get her." A guy said walking away.

"I'll be right back." Alexis walked away.

I looked at the girl who was taking pictures. She's pretty. A woman then came and gave her a Michael Kors purse, and she went back on set and began posing for more pictures, boldly expressing the purse.

My trance was suddenly broken to someone tapping me. I looked to see a young woman with bright red hair in a tight bun. She looked about 25.

She smiled at me. "Hi, I'm Kate. I'll do your makeup, and my other friend Amari will take care of your clothes."

I nodded. "Okay."

She led me to a room, and I saw other girls getting their hair done, and makeup, in very nice clothes.

One smiled at me, while putting on blue lipstick. She looked hispanic. She got up. "I'm Jessie."

I smiled. "Tiffany."

"You're new?"

I nodded.

She smirked. "Good luck on your first time. I was hella nervous."

I nodded. "Okay."

A man walked in. "Come on Jessie."

Jessie smiled at me, and walked away. I saw her wearing a pink dress down to her knees with a green blazer, and yellow heals.

She's tall.

Kate sat me down. She took my hair out it's puff bun, and began playing with my huge Afro. "I'm going to, straighten it. You will be doing a shoot for Charlotte Russe right now."

She took about an hour and a half perfectly straightening my hair to the bone, and did my makeup.

"Ok. Now, I'm gonna get Amari." She said walking away.

She shortly came back with a black woman blonde box braids. She had clothes in her hand.

She took my hand, and I got up.

She smiled. "So,. I'm Amari, and Imma be yo favorite bitch."

I laughed.

That shit came outta nowhere.

"Alright alright alright here we go hunty. We gone put on this blazer, these jeans, shirt, and heals."

She gave them to me, and I went to go change.


I arrived back to my aunt and uncles house, tired as ever. I use the key they gave me, and open the door to see Maurice, and Laila watching tv, and Malik feeding Tiara.

Laila looked back and smiled at me while the boys waved.

I weakly smiled, and walked upstairs into my room, and flopped on the bed.

Ugh. I'm so tired. But, I got paid.

It's cool because every time you do a photo shoot, they pay you $100. But it depends what place you modeled for, or day you model how much money you would get. But it's generally $100 according to what they say.

I take off my backpack, and take out the $150 I made. I put it in an empty unused shoebox in my closet, and I lay back down ending up going to sleep.

Shiiiiiiiiiiid gubye I gotta party to go to💀

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