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3 days later...

Tiffany pov
Mateo kissed me harder and went ontop, but my phone started ringing.

He pulls away, and reaches getting me my phone.

He scrunches his face. "Unknown number."

He answered it.


"Shit. You gone do that, then do that. I'll fuck up they mans too. Leggo then." He said.

He looked pissed, and he got up off of me.

"Who was that?"

"Kiara is outside the damn house. Go downstairs and make grits." He said sternly.

I sat up. "Wh-"

"Jus do it." He said putting on sneakers.

He walked out calling Ayleo.

I get up and put on one of his shirts, and go downstairs and get w pot beginning to make grits. It doesn't take that long to be honest.

Him, Ayo, Zay, and Key came downstairs and quickly walked out the house.


I mix the grits, and it was done, Buh imma jus leave it there so it could get really hot.

Oh fuck.

I think I kn-...lemme bring the pot just in case.

A couple minutes passed, and I saw hella steam.

I turned off the stove, and got the pit and walked out the kitchen seeing they're dad coming downstairs with a pot.

"Whack it in one of they faces." He said walking out the house.

I knew it.

I walk out the house, and I see Zay, Key, Ayo, and Teo all fighting these guys, and I saw Kiara, Keniya, and Monet just standing there while I saw they're dad hitting this other guy with a bat.

Kiara sees me, and they all run up to me.

Oh no.

Please lord.

I they come up to me, and I Kiara smacks me. I take the grits and throw it all over her face in defense becaus sim scared.

She started screaming ear deaf pining screams, and fell of the porch and onto the ground. She was screaming and crying, and Keniya and Monet went to her aid. She was literally shaking on the floor. I throw the pot on her head, and she's literally having a seizure. Monet grows angry, and starts hitting me. And I fight back punching her, and later Keniya fought me and I beat her up.

I grab the pot off of the ground which was still next to Kiara who was crying, and I hit it on both of their heads. I then turn around to see Mateo, and he got up from the ground and kicked Monet's boyfriend in the head. He was knocked out. He picked me up and went inside seeing the rest of them fighting.

He put me onto the couch, and he had a busted lip again, his nose was literally ripped and bloody, and he had a black eye.

"He was hard to fight Buh I got him." He said cracking his neck.

He looks at me. "You got a black eye, and and a bloody nose."

I felt my nose, and I saw saw blood on my hand, and on Mateo's shirt.

I saw blood gathering up in his mouth. He then walked to the garbage, and spit out hella blood, and he pulled out a tooth. He walked into the kitchen.

Oh my god.

I saw I had a deep gash on my arm.

"You got Kiara good." He said coming back with a wet paper towel on his face that was absorbing the blood.

Zay then came back in, and he was in pain.

Key walked in with a swollen eye, Ayo with a large scar on his face, along with a busted lip, but Ayleo's lip is baaaaad, and they're dad was fine.

They're dad got the keys. "We takin Zay to the hospital. He beat up that dude, but his jaw is broken."

I looked at Zay, and his tongue was just hanging out his mouth.

He laid on the couch. Mateo gave me a wet paper towel, and I put it on my face throwing my head back.

"I got that nigga good." Key said.


Zay has to stay at the hospital for a little, I got stitches on my arm, Mateo got stitches on his nose, and had to put a fake tooth thing in his mouth to help his jaw and shit. Key was fine, Ayleo got stitches on his lip, and treatment for that scar on his face.


I can't believe I did that.

I threw grits on Kiara.

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