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Tiffany pov
I'm back at my uncle and aunts house and I'm home alone. My aunt and uncle are just out together, my cousins are all with their friends. Mateo has basketball practice right now.

I'm laying down, and I should be due in a couple weeks. I'm 9 months.

I hungry as hell. Fuck it lemme take a shower. I get up, and I go to my bathroom and take a hot shower, and wash my hair. I come out, and put on shorts, and a large tshirt. I blow out, and straighten my hair, and I go downstairs to the kitchen.

I get noddles, and pour water in the cup putting in the microwave. I turn on the kitchen tv, and watch wildn out. The microwave dinged 5 times meaning it's finished, and I get up and take it out, and get a fork and begin to eat it. I go on my phone and play color switch. I later finish my noodles, and throw it in the garbage and put my fork in the sink, and turn off the tv.

I begin to walk upstairs, but I feel a sudden cramp in my stomach. I ignore it, and begin to walk upstairs, but it hurts more to the point where I can't walk. I sit on the stairs, and I feel a liquid going down my leg.

I realize that my water broke, and I begin to freak out.

It hurts even more, and I groan.

I'm not near a phone, and I'm on the stairs.

I carefully with all my strength slide down each step while sitting down, until I reach the bottom. Tears fall down my face. I slide myself to the living room, and to the coffee table. I reach up, and grab the house phone.

I lay on the floor breathing uncontrollably hard with me now crying of pain.

I call 911.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"M-my water broke. I'm by myself." I say between breaths.

"Ok ma'am breath in and out with your control as long as you can. What is your address?"

"127 parallel road."

"Ok ma'am an ambulance is on the way. Breath in and out slowly, and stay calm. Think of good thoughts."

I obeyed, but I was in pain.

"It hurts." I whined.

"Police with be here as soon as possible ma'am stay calm. Do you have any blurry vision, or headache?"

"Y-yes, my head hurts badly." I cry.

"Ok ma'am police is coming. What's your favorite song?"


"Name one."

"Lotus Flower Bomb."

"Ooh my daughter is always singing that song."

I smile. "How old is your daughter?"

"She turns 15 this weekend. How are you doing right now? There's nobody in the house with you?"


"Ok ma'am it will be okay. Was your baby supposed to be born now?"

"No. T-this is unexpectedly a couple weeks early."

"Ok ma'am what's your name?"


"Well Tiffany, I'm Rose. What's your favorite color?"


"Mine is too. Do you hear any sirens Tiffany?"

I listen, and I hear several faded ones.

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