Lust vibez.

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Tiffany pov
We back from the mall, but I saw Kiara there, and she glared at me while me, Mateo, and everyone else walked by.
Ugh it's because I'm ugly.
I don't like the way I look.
I lay down on the couch, and Mateo sits in front of me going on his phone.
"You goin to yo aunts? Or you stayin here?" He asked glimpsing back at me.
I shrugged.
"H-have you saw Kiara at the mall?" I ask lowly.
He nodded. "Yea. She smiled at me, but I gave her a stank face." He said shrugging.
I stifled a laugh.
Mateo threw his phone on the other couch, and turned on the tv.
I feel like he wants to stay friends.
Even though we kissed, you never know.
"Maan, cable sucks ass. Where the firestick. Ayleo!" Mateo called standing up and stretching.
"What nigga!" I hear him yell from upstairs.
"Gimme the firestick!" He yelled.
"Ion know where it is!"
Mateo flopped his hands on his sides and groaned. "YES YOU DO!"
I giggled.
There was then a silence.
There was then mumbling, and I looked to see Ayo walking down the stairs.
He threw the firestick on the floor and went back upstairs still mumbling.
Mateo sighed. "Ayo!"
"I don't even have to walk to the firestick to know that yo ass wanna be slick and not give the remote!"
All you see is the firestick remote hitting the wall hard, and falling down the steps.
I busted out laughing.
"He so annoying." Mateo said going towards the stairs, and picking up the remote, and firestick.
He walks back, plugs it in, and changes the HDMI.
"Let's watch Love in Basketball." I say.
He looks back me with a 'really nigga' face. "We watched that last time."
I sigh and look down.
"No momma it's fine if you wanna watch it again." He said chuckling.
I shook my head, and look back up at him. "Let's watch Bye Bye Man."
He goes on Kobe and searches it up, and throws the remote on the other couch sitting down.
I get up and go to the kitchen, and I see a huge starburst candy pack on the counter. I pick it up, and it's full, and not even opened.
I walk out with it, and sit on the couch, and Mateo's eyes followed me as I sit down. His eyes then move to the candy that I'm opening.
"That's Ayo's." He said pointing at the candy.
"Oops. I say putting it on the coffee table.
"Nah you too nice Beauty, jus eat it. He won't do nothin because it's you." He said.
I shake my head. "It's fine, it belongs to him." I say softly.
He gets the starbursts and puts a hand full in his mouth, and then he gives the box to me.
"Too late." He said covering his mouth and laughing.
He's so cute.
I take the box and begin eating it.
I catch him staring at me.
"You're so beautiful. Like damn." He said looking into my eyes.
I look down. "Thanks." I say lowly.
I feel him gently lift my head up, and he places his lips on mine.
He kisses me gently while I did the same.
We kiss for 2 minutes, until he pulls away, and I see lust in his eyes.
I look at his lips, and he looked at mine with our faces centimeters away.

Nobody pov
Mateo got up, and took her hand leaving the movie on, and he walked out the living room, and upstairs, to his room.
Tiffany looked at him weirdly as Mateo closed and locked the door. "Mateo-"
"Shhhh." Mateo shushed putting his pointer finger on her lips.
She looked up at him, and Mateo pulled her to his bed and pushed her down onto it.
"Mateo what are you doing?" She was then cut off with Mateo kissing and sucking on her neck.
She let out a small moan.
Mateo put his arms on each side of her, as he began leaving hickies.
He continued, and began biting her neck, and another low, small moan came from her lips.
He rubbed her thigh, and kissed her lips.
He pulled up her shirt and took it off, and continued kissing her adding tongue.
She deepened the kiss even more, tugging on his shirt.
She pulled up his shirt, and he took it off, and they began kissing eachother harshly while Mateo her jeans.
He unbuckled the belt, and unbuttoned her pants, and pulled it down with Tiffany letting him. He kissed her lowed stomach, and pulled down her black laced underwear.
He bit her 😻 causing her to loudly gasp.
He did one long lick, and she moaned slightly louder than before.
He began sucking on it, and she breathed hard with her eyes closed.
Mateo began doing tricks with his tongue, and Tiffany moaned loudly while breathing harder.
She then came, and Mateo went up and kissed her again. He unbuckled the belt of his pants without breaking the kiss, and she unbuttoned it, and unzipped it as Mateo pulled off both his jeans and boxers,a me she took off her bra.
She widened his eyes at the size.
"I'll go slow." He said reassuring her.
She nodded, and he inserted his 🍆 inside of her. Tears went down her face at the pain.
Mateo kissed her to keep her mind off of it, and she didn't realize that he went faster.
She moaned though the kiss as the pain turned to pleasure.
She gripped the sheets. "Faster." She moaned.
Mateo went faster, and she arched her back.
She moaned, and every time she moaned, it turned Mateo on even more.
Mateo kissed her again, and bit her lip.
Mateo grunted, and she groaned.
She forcefully turned them and went ontop, and began riding him.
Mateo took a deep breath and closed his eyes in pleasure releasing a huge breath.
Tiffany put her hands on his chest for support as she bit her lip.
Mateo let out a small moan, and looked up at her with love and passion in her eyes but she didn't do the same.
"Imma bout to t-" Tiffany was cut off with a large moan.
Mateo let out a louder moan and shut his eyes.
He turned them back ontop and went faster.
"Daddy." She moaned gripping onto her hair.
Mateo smirked.
"Teo faster." She said throwing her head back.
He went even faster, and she screamed.
"Imma cum!" She yelled.
Mateo felt himself coming as well.
She came, and so did he, but he kept going.
She was now moaning loudly and her back was fully arched.
She suddenly came again, and Mateo shortly did after her.
He slammed himself into her, and she rubbed her 😻 while she did so trying to reduce the feeling.
He then came once more, and she screamed again as she came. Mateo stopped, layed down beside her as they bother were looking at the ceiling panting.
She put the comforters over them, and wrapped her legs around his waistline, and hugged him.
"I love you." She said taking his face and kissing him.
"I love you too beauty." He said after pulling away.
He wrapped his arms around her as they both drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

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