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Tiara up top🔝
Tiffany pov
I hold Tiara close as I begin to cry. I put my hand over my mouth to prevent me from crying loudly.

He hurt me. He promised he wouldn't do anything more, and he did. My tears fall from my cheeks onto Tiaras forehead, who is just looking up at me. The tears fell from her forehead, down her nose, and onto her lips. She licked them while staring at me.

I wipe my tears and get up. Putting her in her crib. I decided to stay in Michigan, but I'm not going to that school anymore. I'm go to a new high school now. My first day there today was fine, and people were actually talking to me. Like they didn't hate me. Some even called me pretty. Even though I don't think that's true. And nobody bullied each other for their skin tone, or race. I like this school much better. Less tension, and it's more peaceful. Sure people have beef, but there's no saying 'black hoe' or none of that.

I sigh in relief as I begin to feel better.

I hear a knock on the door as I turn on the tv.

"Come in."

I hear the door open, and I look to see Laila coming in with a plate of cookies, and a glass of milk. I sat up and smiled.

She smiled showing her teeth with some of them missing. "It's your favorite Tiff. Chocolate chip." She said cheerily.

"Thank you La la." I say taking it from her, and putting the milk and cookies on the nightstand.

She hugged me, and I picked her up and lay on the bed putting her next to me.

"I'm sorry with Mateo." She said quietly.

I nod and sigh with more tears welling up in my eyes. "It's ok. Sometimes things don't go the way you planned."

I stroked her thick Afro, with her wearing a tinker bell pajama dress.

I took a cookie and dipped it in milk, and ate it while just watching Teen Titans Go.

Maurice walked in, and lay down next to me.

I looked at him. "This yo room now?"

He chuckled. "Yea."

Malik walked in, and sat on the edge of the bed looking at the three of us.

He lay down over my legs, and sigh looking at the ceiling.

He then got up, and walked out.

Maurice followed. "I'm hungry."

"Laila?!" My aunt called from downstairs.

Laila got up, stole a cookie, and ran out the room.

I finished the cookies and milk, and my phone rang. I grabbed it, and look at the ID to see Mateo.

Tears roll down my face. I decline it, and delete his contact.

I gave Tiara a little bath in the sink, and dressed her in a bright purple onesie with silver hearts all over it.

I put Tiara, in her crib, and close and lock the door. I go to the bathroom, with more tears rolling down my face, and I open the mirror cabinet and take the blade.

Mateo pov
"I love her. Ion know why I did this. You fucking threatened to hurt her so that's why I did it! And you actually fucking hurt her anyway!" I yell with tears welling up in my eyes.

Kiara pouted. "Is she hurt?! No! Are you hurt!? N-"

"Yes I am! You mentally hurt her too! She has my child Kiara! She's my baby momma, and now she hates me! What do you have against her!? Tell me please. You act like hurting people gone help everything. That's why you don't gotta boyfriend, and that's why I hate you."

She rolled her eyes. "So!? She's rich and got everything she wants! Why does she act like she has the worst life!"

"Kiara, you have parents. 2 parents. You're rich too. She don't have parents. She works for her money. Her aunt and uncle help her too, but she works for her money. You probably jealous."

"For what!? Who would wanna work for m-"

"Kiara! She wants to achieve goals in her life! Is that why you hate her!?"

She grew silent.

Tears roll down my face at the thought of Tiffany. "She has fuckin suicide thoughts because of you, and all she tryna do is achieve life goals for herself. She doesn't do anything to hurt you. You hurt her. Physically and mentally. And I'm jus tryna rescue her. She thinks you're prettier than her, and all of everything you're better than her. Why can't you just leave her alone?"

She started crying. "I have nobody to love!"

"I don't gotta girl to love either! She's the only girl I love! Because the woman that I love is dead!"

"So you can't love me either!?"

I shake my head. "No." I say quietly. "You got niggas on they knees for you. Take them. Not me. Because I'm taken. Don't ruin a girls life because they with a nigga that you like. That makes it even worse."

She cried harder, and put her hands on her face.

I wipe my tears.

I have a child. A. Child.

I watched her cry.

She then took her hands off her face, and began screaming and stomping on the floor.

"She's better than me! She has more curves than me, even though I got surgery! She doesn't do anything to her skin, nor face, she has better nose, she's smarter than me, you like her for the way she is! Even though everyone likes light skin people nowadays, SHE STILL GETS YOU!!! ITS LIKE SHE DOESN'T TRY, AND SHE GETS A BOY THAT ALL GIRLS DIE FOR!! WHILE I HAVE DRESS A CERTAIN WAY, ACT, AND TALK A CERTAIN WAY TO GET NOTICED!!! SHE'S SO PRETTY!! AND SHE HAS A WORSE LIFE THAN ME!! I HATE HER!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

She panted in rage, and she collapsed to the floor beginning to cry.

I stood there in shock, but didn't show it, just staring at her bluntly.

"Karma is a bitch. So karma's bitches will come left and right soon enough." I say lowly. I walk out her room, and out her house.

She practically ruined Tiffany's life.

Over jealousy.

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