Party part 1.

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Tiffany up top
Tiffany pov☺️
Mateo beat the shit out that nigga.
But I'm back home at my aunt and uncles house, and I'm bored.
My cousin Maurice who's 15 walks in.

"Aye Tiff."

I look at him, and he sprays water on me.

I gasp, and Laila walks in smiling, and she sprays me too. I get up, and they both run out. I bump into Lydia, who's 14, and she sprays me too.
I run pass her, and run downstairs, to the kitchen and get bottles of water.

"Heeyy Tiffany." Someone said.

I look back and see my 16 year old cousin Malik. He sprays me, and I open a bottle and squirt him.
I hear the front door open and close, and I run out the kitchen still spraying him to see Mateo being sprayed by everyone.
I bust out laughing.
He starts chasing Laila, and she's screaming her ass off and waving the gun in the air, and running for her lil life. He grabs her and tickles her to the ground, and takes her gun and starts spraying her as she screamed and laughed.


Mateo speed walked around the house as Laila ran after him.

He then tripped and fell, and Lydia laughed her ass off, along with Maurice.

"You a fuckin clown." I shake my head.

She jumped on Mateo and was smacking him and pulling his hair.

"Ow. Ow. Owie. Ow." Mateo said bluntly while she hit him.

"Im going to the tennis court." I say getting up.

I go upstairs and take a shower, and put on black leggings, a pink short sleeve shirt, and my black and pink nike slides. I put my hair in 2 pigtails since I'm a dork lmao. I go downstairs and go out the back passing the pool and basketball court going to the tennis court. I get a racket, and a ball, and just started bouncing it on the net and shit because I'm bored.

"Beauty." I hear Mateo call.

I turn around to see Mateo opening the fence door walking in.

"Let's play basketball." He said walking towards me.

He takes my hand and I drop the tennis racket and ball and we go to the basketball court. He takes a ball and shoots it making it in the net.

"Lemme do it." I smile walking towards him.

He gave me the ball, and I threw it and missed so bad and Teo started laughing.

I rolled my eyes.

"You suck. You only 4'11. 4 fuckin 11." He laughed.

"Fuck off." I say getting the ball. I shoot it again, and I miss but Mateo grabs it before it could hit the floor, and makes it.

I roll my eyes while he laughed.

"Beauty you wanna go to a party tonight?" He said calming down from his laughs.

I shake my head no and look down.


"What if something happens?"

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