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Nobody pov
A month went by, and Mateo persuaded her to stop wearing her black sweatshirt, so now she doesn't wear it anymore. She still gets dirty looks from her bullies, and gets confronted by them too, but Mateo has been protecting her, so they haven't been hitting her as much. Mateo has been taking her places often. He now makes her laugh more. They also now have strong feelings for each other but don't know it.

Tiffany pov
Dance studio

After school Mateo and I went to the dance studio.
I'm scrolling on my phone on Instagram sitting on the stereo while Mateo is dancing to Swang.
I then see someone post a picture of me saying I'm a hoe, and a nigger. I look at the username above that says


I press the username, and see hundreds of posts of me photoshopped with a unibrow, or a whole bunch of racist things. I look at the followers and it has over 300,000 followers. I press a post and shows a picture of me photoshopped with no teeth and a mustache, and the caption says,

Hoe ass nigger.

I look at comments to see people agreeing, and also talking shit about me. I look at more pictures, and it's shows things about lies saying I raped Mateo, or I'm his bitch, or I ask him to fuck me for a dollar.
It's saying a bunch of racist things.

I feel my eyes burning, and going blurry of tears. My phone falls out my hands onto the wooden floor as I begin whimpering through the loud music.

Nobody pov
Swang ended, and Mateo was going to put on a different song. He walking towards his phone until he suddenly saw her crying. He then walked slightly faster now towards Tiffany who was sitting on the stereo, fumbling with her fingers as her tears dropped to the floor. Mateo sat on the floor in front of her on the floor and put his hand on her wrist.
"What's wrong beauty?" He asked.
"Stop calling me that!" She yelled.
"Why?" He asked with even more concern forming on his face.
"Because I'm not!" She yelled as she cried even more.
"Why do you think that?" He asked.
"BECAUSE IM NOTHING BUT A HOE ASS NIGGER!!" She now yelled at the top of her lungs.
Mateo raised his eyebrows surprised as he looked at her.
Mateo got up, and pulled her up and wrapped his arms around her hugging her as she cried into his chest.
"I'm ugly." She said into his shirt.
"No you're not." He said softly while putting his head on her shoulder.
"Yes I am. I wanna die." She said as she cried harder.
Mateo rubbed her back.
"Why do you call yourself something that you're not?" He asked.
"Because I'm dark and nobody likes people who are dark." She said.
"Nobody cares about me! My mom even wanted me to be lightskin! Everyone hates me! Lord knows you're probably in on it with Kiara, Keniya, and Jade and all the rest, and their boyfriends!" She yelled pushing him away from her.
"Why do you think I would do that to you?" He asked.
"Because you're light skin! And people who are light skin get all the fucking love, boyfriends, support, have perfect faces, and everything about them is perfect! I'm fucking black and ugly!! I should know disgust you." She yelled even louder.
Mateo looked down.
"I don't care what people look like for me to like them or be their friend." He said.
Tiffany looked back at him.
"Nobody cares about me." She said between sobs.
There was a silence as Tiffany continued crying.
"I care about you." He said lowly.
"You're lying," she said denial as she continued crying.
Mateo shook his head no.
"I have strong feelings for you actually." He confessed.
"Well that's gonna go away because they will all tell you to stop being friends with me because I'm too black." She said between sobs.
Mateo couldn't take it anymore.
He wanted to prove that he really likes her more than a friend.
Mateo walked up to Tiffany.
"Leave me alone please." She said.
Mateo then grabbed her arm and quickly pulled her close, and placed his lips on hers before she could say anything else.
Tiffany was surprised at the fact that she didn't see this coming, but eventually she kissed back.
Mateo softly and passionately kissed Tiffany as he wrapped her arms around her waist.
Mateo then pulled away as she looked into her eyes, and she did the same.
"Ion care if you blue, orange, black, white, pink, or nothing. I think you're beautiful." He said.
Tiffany stared at him.
"Do you think you're beautiful?" Mateo asked.
Tiffany then nodded her head yes.
Mateo smiled at her.
"Good. Because you are. You're way prettier then then fake light skin bitches. Trust me." He said.
"Say you're beautiful." He says poking his tongue out at her.
She giggled as she wiped her tears.
"I'm beautiful." She said.

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