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978 55 30

Tiffany 🔝

Tiffany pov
We are now at school, my aunt uncle, Lydia, Malik, Maurice, little Laila, and baby Tiara who is now 4 months old. I kiss her forehead, and give her to Malik.

I was given a long gold graduation coat by the secretary, and I look around to see all the other students wearing gold graduation coats. It matched my heals, which is all sparkly gold, with me wearing a tight black dress.

My dad would've been proud. All he wanted was for me to graduate, and go to a good college, and have a good job.

I smile to myself.

I put it on, and walk towards the stage, and go to my seat where all the other students are sitting. My friend Carla sits next to me.

She smiles at me. "I'm nervous."

I nod, and gently move my straightened hair behind my ear. Me too.

I see my family sit down. I'm thinking about Mateo again. I can't cry, because my makeup is on point right now.

But I should give credit to him too, because if it weren't for him, I would've been dead. I've been having suicide thoughts for so long, and he made sure I would never think about being 6 feet under again. I haven't heard from him. Maybe it's because I blocked him, and deleted his number.

The principal walks into the middle of the stage, and taps the mic getting everyone attention. The hundreds of people in the auditorium goes completely silent.

He smiled. "Good morning everyone, I would like to say that I'm very proud of these students. We have some students who even came last month, but I've got to know them very well." He glimpsed at me. I smiled.

"There's ups, and downs, and a story to everything. I'm grateful for my story to be working with these students who will be proudly graduating, and I know that all the students are grateful for their life story to begin as independent young men, and women."

I hate speeches. Everyone began clapping, and of course I had to also.

"I grant you, the 2017, graduation ceremony of the 12th grade. The next generation to make this world better."

People began clapping even louder, and I glimpse at my family. Laila had a big ole smile across her face. She looked so cute. Her usual Afro was into a tight puff, and she had on gold jewelry, along with a red dress, leggings, and red flats.

Speeches, upon speeches went by, and so did videos being showed. I was bored. I looked at Carla who looked like she were fighting her sleep.

They then began calling the names of people of each home room to give them their certificates.

It was slow. Very, very, slow.

"Amber Amor,...Lixi Amaled.........Bruno Bindey,...Maya Brown...Tom Beuford.......Harold Ling,...Katherine Linel,........Courtney Madden,...Tamia Mads...Jason Montoya,..."

Until after hundreds of names, my name was finally called.

"Tiffany Morgan."

People clapped as I got up, and I was extremely nervous. I got my certificate, and went back to my seat sitting down.

Damn. My heart is still pounding out my chest.

I look at the certificate.

I'm so proud of myself.


I walk outside, and Maurice nearly jumps on me. "Bitch I'm proud. Uncle woulda been too."

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