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Tiffany pov
I stayed home today to take care of Tiara. I rocked her as she sleep soundlessly in my arms.

I heard the doorbell ring downstairs.

I get up, and goo downstairs and open the door to see Mateo. I was about to close it, but he stopped it, and pushed it back open.

"Tiff. Forreal." He said. I looked at him, and he looked sad, and that he's been crying.

Tears well up in my eyes but I blink them away. "No."

"You know Kiara. She always got somethin up her sleeve tryna get me. On that day, she pulled me towards her and kissed me. I tried to mover her away, but it's hormones. I'm sorry Tiffany forreal. I can't do this no more I love you and without seeing yo face every day, ion know what to do with myself. Ion love nobody else but you." Mateo begged.

I sigh, and tears end up falling down my face. I looked down at Tiara who was now awake looking off into space.

I look back up at him. "Don't do it anymore. Please." I say above a whisper wiping my tears.

He shook his head no as he looked at me with remorse. "I won't. I promise."

I nodded, and opened the door more letting him inside. He opened his arms, and I hugged him. I miss this.

He lifted my chin and kissed me. He later pulled away, and took Tiara from me. She rested her head on his shoulder. I took his hand and pulled him upstairs into to my room, and I closed and locked the door.

Mateo put Tiara in her crib and took off his shoes laying down. I went and lay down next to him, and he turned wrapping his arms around me.

I sigh of relief and smile to myself.

He buried his head in my neck and sighed, and I grab the remote and turn on the tv. I go on channel 44, and watch housewives until I fell asleep.

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