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Later that day

Mateo pov
I really like Tiffany to be honest. Ion care if she black, white, Indian, Asian, or even fucking blue,
I like her.
We also found out that she live around the corner from my house.
But I could she's been through a lot though, with the bullying and shit, but when I walked her home, a sudden look of fear arose on her face.
I asked her what was wrong, but she said it was nothing and hesitantly went inside.
Ion mean to be nosy but, something isn't right.
But you never know, I don't know her inside life like that so I can't assume things.
But imma take her out again though.
Maybe skip school again tomorrow.

Tiffany pov
Mateo is cool, and I'm glad I kinda made a friend you could call it, but I don't trust him still. Watch he'll break my heart. It's obvious that he's probably in it with Daniel, and his friends, on this so he could just leave me and break my heart.

"Tiffany!! Get your ass downstairs now!!" I hear my mom yell with the anger roaring out her voice.
I get up, nervous about who know what could happen, and walk downstairs, and see her in the living room.
"Yes mom?" I say standing infront of her.
"Why aren't the fucking dishes washed when I wanted them to this morning?" She asks angrily.
"I-I'm sorry I'll do them now." I say looking down.
"You better, and I'm going somewhere, you're stepdad is in the house." She says getting up from the couch, grabbing her purse, and walking towards the front door.
I heard a door close, signifying she left.
I sigh and walk to the kitchen, and turn I the water beginning to wash the man dishes in the sink.
There's so much dishes, it's overflowing.
I then see my stepdad walk in the kitchen.
I grow tense.
"You're washing dishes?" He asks in a raspy voice.
"Y-yes." I stutter nervously.
I then feel hands wrap around my waist tightly.
I jump, and accidentally drop the glass cup that was in my hands causing it to shatter all over the floor.
I stand up straight alarmed.
"Spread your legs." He says into my ear.
Tears welled up in my eyes.
"Please stop." I say as tears flowed down my face one by one.
"Bitch you better spread your fucking legs." He says grabbing the back of my neck.
I spread my legs as I was crying heavily.
He then turned me around and smacked me, and pushed me to the floor, and I fell onto the glass all over the floor.
I felt myself getting bloody and saw glass in my arms, and legs.
"Stop please!" I yell.
He hovers over me, and unzips my sweatshirt.

I feel alone.
Nobody could help me.

I start hitting him trying to fight him off, but he puts his hand over my mouth.
I couldn't breathe.
I started seeing a blur.

The last thing I saw was my stepfather pulling down my pants.

Ohhhhh wow imma jump through this story and skadoosh this fucking stepdad bitch ass nigga!!

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