We all the same.

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Tiffany pov
I know exactly who are doing these things.
All my bullies.
Kiara, Keniya, Courtney, Monet, and all the rest including their boyfriends.
I have over 20 main bullies out of the whole school.
Right now, I'm on the bus, and I'm back to my black sweatshirt, and I wore black sweatpants and Jordan 13 breds that my uncle recently bought me.
"Aye black bitch." Jerome, Monet's boyfriend said sitting next to me.
I looked down as I fumbled with my fingers.
"Jerome move! I got something to say to her!" Keniya yelled laughing and pulling Jerome out the seat.
Jerome stood infront of the seat on the isle as Keniya sat down next to me.
She pushed my head hard into the window.
I grabbed my head in pain.
"We told you stay away from that Afro puff because he don't like you and will be Kiara's boyfriend!!" She yelled in my ear.
I felt burning tears fall down my face, as she continued yelling at me.
"Stupid bitch ain't listening!" Courtney yelled as I heard her voice come closer to where I am.
I then felt someone pull my head off as my hands came off my face.
I began breathing hard.
"Black bitch needs a beating." Kevin, Courtney's boyfriend said.
Kiara then came out of nowhere, and pulled me out the seat by my hair, and they all began beating me as I help my head.
Someone kicked me in the head causing me to fall back, and they all were kicking me in my face as I was crying. I felt myself begin to get bloody.

Nobody pov
Mateo and Ayleo were coming from their bus stop onto the bus, and they heard commotion.
Mateo looked over Ayleo and he then saw a glimpse of Tiffany.
Ayleo saw Tiffany also and began pushing pass everyone who were in the isle trying to look at this terrible thing to her.
Mateo grabbed Jerome by his neck and pushed him into a seat that people were sitting on, and began choking and punching him as the other people in the seat were trying to get away.
Ayleo turned Kevin around, and off guard punched him across the face.
Jerome pushed Mateo off him, and punched Mateo in the face causing Mateo to fall back on the opposite seat that other girls were also sitting on.
The girls screamed as they looked at Mateo with heart eyes.
Mateo grew even more angry than before, and when Jerome was about to choke him, Mateo jumper up on the seat and punched Jerome with all his anger.
Jerome fell on the seat and onto the floor as he was knocked out cold.
Ayleo pulled Aidan, another bully named Johanna's boyfriend off Tifanny, and Aidan punched Ayleo across the face.
They began fighting, and Mateo pulled all the girls off Tiffany.
"You're for that bitch!" Kiara yelled.
"You should be with me! Not that nigger!"She yelled.
"Bitch shut the fuck up before I smack you across the face! Because you a nigger too! I'm a fucking nigger too! Y'all just lighter than her! And bet all y'all some fucking bitches that were prolly even darker than her buh wanna be lightskin so y'all dumbasses bleach y'all skin!!" Mateo yelled.
"Don't tale to me like that! She a black bitch!!" Kiara yelled getting in Mateo's face.
"She a nigger what the fuck!!" Courtney yelled.
"Nah because I promise you if slavery fucking started all over again, not only she would become a slave, y'all would too! Y'all are fucking black too! Y'all may be unnaturally lighter, buh ya'll still fucking black so you would be a slave too!!" Mateo yelled pushing Kiara away from him as she fell into a seat. Preach nigga preach because that is so fucking true.
"Well is there slavery now?! No!!" Keniya yelled.
"Y'all fucking treat her like there is slavery!!" Mateo yelled.
"Sit yo ass down before I smack some sense into you! Because I fucking knocked out yo fucking boyfriend so he can't fucking help you!" Mateo yelled.
Mateo picked Tiffany up from the floor.
"I ain't doin this shit no more y'all some fucking fake ass bitches that worry about nothing but yo looks but yo personality is shit." Mateo said putting her on his his back.
Ayleo finally knocked out Aidan but banging his head hard into the glass bus window, as the window cracked.
"I can't believe you like her but not me!" Kiara yelled kicking the seat.
"I like her because her personality." Mateo said.
"People nowadays always want them light skin bitches." Ayleo added on.
"Exactly but most of the time, they not a real lightskin person, buh they a bitch! And that's what all y'all are." Mateo said.
"How could you even like her she's dark. She way darker than you!" Monet yelled.
"She something else about her skin tone. I dare you." Mateo said as the bus stopped arriving at the school.
Everyone left the bus as the principal,vice principal, and security guards were coming towards the bus.
Ayleo and Mateo walked off.
The principal began yelling at Mateo, but Mateo pushed him away.
"I ain't up fo y'all dumb bullshit I'm tired of this." I said going around the principal.
Tiffany who was nearly knocked out, tightened her grip around his neck and her legs tightened around his waist.
Ayleo followed leaving the bus not caring if they were going to be suspended or even expelled.
They walked out the school drive way and towards the city bus stop and sat on the bench, and Tiffany was still on Mateo's back as he sat down.
Ayleo pulled out his phone, to call MoM to pick them up.
"We all the same. It makes no sense. This is what exactly happened to our mother." Ayleo said as he was waiting for MoM to answer.
Mateo shook his head as he looked off into space pissed.

That's very very very true

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