Can't stop.

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Mateo pov
I walk in the house to see Ayo and Monshell watching tv.

They both didn't say anything to me. Their mad at me. I would be too.

For hurting Tiffany. I should've just said to Kiara that 'I don't care if she would get hurt because she wouldn't get hurt anyway..I would be protecting her.'

My dad comes downstairs. "You good Teo?"

I nod and walk by him going upstairs into my room. I slam and lock the door.

Thoughts are running through my mind.

She's mine. She was mine. I just let her slip away. She don't answer my calls, she probably blocked me.

She obviously wouldn't let me see Tiara anymore, I'm thinking about my mom again, damn damn damn damn dammmmmnnnnn. I can't think.

I feel empty. I feel guilty. But then again I can't cry. I could only have some tears just fall.

I want to really cry, but I can't.

Like, I wanna yell cry. Break stuff cry. Scream and cry like a baby cry, but I can't.

It's like, I just have anger bottled up inside of me, but I don't wanna break nothing ya know?

All I did was hurt her. Twice. And she just got used to me.

I get up, and get a sharpener, and take the sharpening blade out

Tiffany pov
I stare at the cut marks that I recently made yesterday. I pull down my sleeve, pick up Tiara, and stroke her hair. She lay her head on my chest, and I put her binki in her mouth.

I pick her up, and put her forehead on mine. I stare into my brown eyes while she does the same.

I kiss her check, and lay her on my chest again, rubbing her back.

It's early in the morning.

I graduate this month, and Tiara is now 4 months old. Mateo and I haven't spoke in 3 months, and it's tearing me apart. But I have to stay strong. It's just aggravating me.

We're having graduation practice starting today, and I'm graduating at my new highschool.

It's early in the morning now, and it's right now 6:10 meaning I have to get up. I give Tiara a bath, and dress her in a all pink onsie, with a black headband. I put the black gloves to prevent her from scratching herself, and wrap a light pink blanket around her. I take a shower, and put on baggy grey sweatpants, and a tight short sleeve tshirt with Jordan 12.

 I take a shower, and put on baggy grey sweatpants, and a tight short sleeve tshirt with Jordan 12

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I put my hair in a tight high puff, and put on a white skinny infinity headband. I put on diamond earrings, and put on perfume. I put makeup on all my scars, and I put my backpack on, pick up Tiara, and go downstairs.

I smile at my aunt. Everyone is either already gone, or still sleeping.

She smiles at me, and takes Tiara.

I walk away. "Bye auntie."

"By Tiff."


We're outside rehearsing, and this is boring. But I wanna graduate so might as well. We watch as someone walks up the stage, and to begin the speech.

"This is so boring." By friend Mia whispers.

I nod, and look at her.

I sit back, and look back in front of me.

After a couple hours rehearsals was done, and school went by. This school is closer, so I decide to walk home. My phone begins ringing, and check to see it's an unknown number. I recognize it, and know it's Mateo.

I stop walking, and I begin to cry.

I need to stop crying. But I can't.

I end up running home, and upstairs into my room. I slam and lock the door, and slide down the door putting my face to my hands.

I can't stop crying.

I just can't stop crying.

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