You dont have to ...

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Tiffany pov
History is about to finish, and I'm going to meet up with Mateo.
"Class dismissed." The history teacher says.
I got up, and put my things in my backpack and walked out but was stopped but another one of my bullies called Keniya.
"Aye, stay away from that lightskin Afro puff nigga because 1, you ugly as fuck, and 2, he's gomna be my boyfriend by the end of this week." She says.
I look up at her nervous.
"Is that clear?" She asks getting in my face.
I nod quickly looking to the floor.
She then walks out the classroom.
I walked out, to see Mateo talking to Keniya.
Oh god.
I see Mateo point at me, and Keniya looks at where he's pointing and when her eyes landed on me, she glared at me.
She then walked away.
I slowly walked up to Mateo.
"She don't look or sound right." Mateo says greeting me.
I look up at him.
"She is another one of my bullies." I say.
Mateo looked at me with sorrow in his eyes.
"I'll stay away from her." He says putting his hand on my shoulder.
I hesitantly nod.
No he won't.
"Come on." He says starting to walk. I walk with him.
"Tell me about you." He says.
"I have no life." I say looking down.
"Pick yo head up." He says slimming down at me.
"Why? I'm ugly." I say.
"No you're not yous beautiful trust me," He says.
"No," I say.
"Yes you are stop it." He says sternly.
I quiet down obeying him.
"Why you grow quiet?" He asked.
"Because you told me to." I say shyly.
"Don't let anybody tell you what to do." He says.
I ignore his last words.
We walk downstairs, to the school doors.
"What about your brother?" I ask as we walk out the school.
"He left school with his girlfriend after his first class." Mateo says.
We walk out the school driveway and down the block towards the city bus stop.
"What is something that you always wanted?" Mateo asks as he sits on the bench.
I sit down next to him hesitantly.
"Happiness." I say looking down and playing with my fingers.
Mateo grew silent.
"W-why aren't you happy?" He asked.
"I don't wanna talk about it." I say with tears forming in my eyes.
"You could always tell me when you're ready." He says putting his hands in his pockets.
"Well what if I d-don't wanna tell you at all?" I ask putting my hood over my head.
"You don't have to." Mateo says softly.
The city bus then came and Mateo paid even though he didn't have to, and we sat down.
"You like shoes?" Mateo asks sitting back and looking at me.
I nod.
He then reaches in his jeans pocket and takes out a mask, and puts it on.
What the hell?
"Could I ask a question?" I ask shyly.
"You don't have to." He says.
"W-why do you wear that mask?" I ask looking down.
"If you pick your head up then I'll tell you." He says.
"Ok then I don't wanna know." I say lowly.
"Ok." Mateo says.

Fuck it.

I look up towards him.
"I wanna know." I say.
"Ok beauty, so I have many, and it's a habit. I just like it, and I don't like it when people tell me to take it off." He says glimpsing at me, and looking onto his phone.
"Oh." I say.
"You got money on you?" Mateo asked glimpsing at me from his phone.
"$30, I think." I say.
Mateo nods slowly.
Oh no.
That's a bad sign.
He's gonna ditch me.
Mateo suddenly sat up after 5 minutes and he was looking out the window. He then pressed the red button signafiying to bus to stop.
The bus stopped and he got up putting his backpack over his back.
"We here." He says walking off.
I get up and put on my back pack and followed him off.
I look around to see us in front of the mall.
"Why we here?" I ask.
"Because," he says nonchalantly.
"Because what?" I ask looking to the floor.
"Pick up yo head from the floor if you want me to tell you." He said as we crossed the street.
I looked up at him.
"I wanna know." I say.
"I wanted to hang out wit you, and maybe buy you something," He says putting his handing his pockets.
"You don't need to buy me anything." I say looking down.
"If you pick yo head up from the floor, I'll do as you say." He says.
I looked up.
"I don't want anything," I say.
Mateo looked and smirked at me.
"Okay." He says as we walked to the entrance doors to the mall.
Mateo opened the door for me.
"You don't have to," I say not going through the door,
"Get used to it beauty." Mateo says chuckling.
I shyly walk through door, and Mateo followed.
"Aye beauty, once again, you like shoes?" He asked as we walked towards an elevator.
"Yes." I say looking down.
"You want shoes?" He asks as the elevator opened and we walked in.
"Yes." I say putting my hood over my head, and crossing my arms.
"If you pick up your head, and take off yo hood, I'll buy you Jordan's." He says.
"I don't want to." I say hesitantly.
"You don't have to," he says.
"Why do you keep saying that?" I ask.
" 'you don't have to' ?"
"Because it's your life, and you're free to do what you want, and nobody should force you to something that you may, or may not wanna do," Mateo says straight up.
"Uhm okay, but you don't have to buy me anything." I say picking my head up and taking off my hood.
"Okay I understand, but would it make you happy at all?" He asks as we walk off the elevator now in a new level.
"Yes." I say above a whisper.
"Okay, you want Jordan's yes or no?" He asks.
"Y-yes, no no no I don't." I say procrastinating.
Mateo gets close to me, and whispers in my ear.
"I know you want it, so imma get it." He says sexually.
He then walks away.
What the hell?
How did he do that?
He just turned something normal, into something sexual.
Chills went up my spine.
I followed him as we made our way to Champs.

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