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2 days later
Mateo pov
We haven't been to school, ion even wanna go to school to be honest. Buh I gotta say this again, I like Tiffany a lot. She ain't got surgery like Keniya, or Kiara, buh she natural. Her ass fat and real, her rack omgaaaa😍. I love her smile, and she got dimples. Her hair to her mid back, I love it when she straighten it, she got perfect lips, eyes, nose and everything about her. I love her personality though. I just wish she could express it more to others. When I first met her, I told her I would make her laugh every day, buh she ain't believe me. But I do make her laugh every day lmao. I just love her though. Ion care about what her complexion like, I have strong feelings for her. I already kissed her, and she said she's beautiful but she still doesn't believe it now. I wanna hurt them bullies of hers but my dad raised me good not to do them like I should. But right now, I'm just chilling, Ayo went to the studio when I was sleeping and ion feel like going now, my dad at work, so I'm jus home alone.
I suddenly hear my phone ringing, and I look to see beauty calling me. I lazily pick up the phone answering it.
"Mateo my cousins are all at school and aunt and uncle at work, and I'm bored by myself." She says softly.
"Okaaaay," I say unsure at what she would say next.
"Uhh c-can I come over?" She asks lowly.
"Ok." I say shrugging even though she doesn't see me.
"Imma be there in 5." She said hanging up the phone.
This the first time she actually asked me something, and not me trying to find out what she wants.
I hear the doorbell continuously ring.
"Didn't she say 5?" I say to myself sluggishly getting up.
I walk out my room, down the hall, downstairs, and to the door opening it to see beauty with black leggings black Nike slides, and a black long sleeve shirt, and her hair was straightened.
Okay stay calm.
I realized she had a gold pig nose piercing.
"When you get that?" I ask poking her nose.
"I got a 100% on my math test, and Social Studies so she asked me if I wanted anything as a reward, and now I have this." She said pointing at her nose.
I opened the door more letting her in, and closing it.
I don't wanna be a pervert buh oh my lawd take me now.
"You said 5 minutes." I say squinting my eyes at her.
She then bends down turning on Ayo's gold hover board, going on it and going towards me.
"I live around the corner, and I jut took a shower anyway." She said.
She's not asking for anything. She just doin what she wanna do.

I taught her that.

She began spinning in circles.
"Watch yo ass get dizzy and fall imma laugh." I say waiting for her to fall.
She stops spinning, but suddenly falls back on the floor of dizziness.
I bust out laughing.
"Very funny stupid ass." She said uneasily getting up from the floor.
"Fine I'll help you then." I say walking up to her.
She stepped on the hover board and grabbed onto my arm regaining her balance. The hover board suddenly died causing her to fall back on the floor.
"I'm weak bro!" I say between laughs.
She rolls her eyes at me throwing off her slides.
I stare at her feet as she goes and gets the charger which is plugged into the wall next to us.
"You have small ass feet." I say shaking my head.
"I'm a 6. That's average for someone my age." She said plugging in the hover board and getting up from the floor.
"Bitch that's small. And you like 4'9 in height."
"I'm 4'11 dummy." She says poking my nose, turning on her heels, and walking away.
Oh my lord she has ass for days I'm sorry.
She walks towards the kitchen and I walk to the living room turning on the tv and changing the HDMI to the fire stick.
I search up Dope. That's a bomb ass movie y'all needa watch that. It's rated R though 😬.
I put on the movie, putting it on. The couch slightly sinks, and I look to see Tiffany drinking juice.
"Thirsty ass." I say rolling my eyes.
"Nigga bring it down three notches because I ain't drink nothing all day." She spat taking another sip of her juice and putting it on the little table infront of us.
I look at the juice and back at her pausing the movie. "Bitch you know damn well you drank something before." I say now corner eyeing her.
She begins laughing. "I know." She says between laughs.
She so pretty.
She stops laughing, and looks at me putting her hair out her face.
"Why you staring at me?" She asks chuckling.
"You know I love you right?" I say scorching closer to her.
She shook her head no. "How do you love me? Look at me." She says lowly.
"I love everything about you." I say looking at her lips.

Nobody pov
Mateo then leaned in and kissed Tiffany with her  automatically kissing back.
He kissed her deeper and decided to be slick and pull away.

Tiffany pov
How does he love me?
Look at me! I'm ugly!
He just kissed me....again.
And it was getting good and her pulled away.

I looked down.
"W-why'd you stop?" I stutter very lowly.
Mateo gently lifts my head up. "Oh so you did like it." He said softly.
I looked down again.
I felt him lift my head up again.
"You shouldn't look down when someone who loves you is infront of you." He said.
That's kinda true.
I love him too.
For the first time, I'll show him how I feel.
I lean in and kiss him passionately.

To be continued......
Haaannnnn got y'all there.

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