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Tiffany pov
"Tiff wake up!" My little cousin yelled in my ear. My mother and stepdad were arrested so I've been living at my uncle and aunts house. My uncle and dad were brothers.
I woke up, and smiled at her. "Hey Laila." I say.
"Good Morning, but my mom told me to wake you up because you have school." She says sitting on the edge of the bed next to me.
"Ok, I'm getting up, but aren't you turning 7 soon?" I asked.
She then smiled a big smile at me showing me her teeth, and missing ones that she lost. "I'm turning 7 in 3 weeks!" She yelled happily.
"What would you want for your birthday?" I ask while stretching.
"A dollie," she said.
I smile. "Ok," I say as she hops off the bed, and I pull the comforters off me.
"What a minute." She says slowly.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
'You're getting me a dollie aren't you?" She asks putting her hands on her hips and poking her lips out.
I giggle. "You would have to find out." I say getting up.
"Ookkaayyyy." She said.
I giggle.
She's so cute.
"Nani, I don't get why people are mean to you. You're so nice." She says hugging me.
My smile slowly fades as I look down at her.
"I-I don't know why either." I say lowly.
There was a silence, as I looked down at her still hugging me.
"Ok, Laila lemme take a shower." I say.
She lets go of me, and I go and grab my towel. I was about to walk out the guest room where I've been staying but Laila stopped me.
"Nani, could you not wear your sweatshirt today?" She begged.
"No La la it's fine," I say smiling.
"Noooo," she whines poking out her bottom lip and leaning forward.
"Please Nani, I want you to show yourself." She begs.
I sigh.
Just one time.
"Fine." I say playfully rolling my eyes and smiling.
"YAY!" She yelled.
I laughed, and walked out going down the hallway to the bathroom to take a shower.
I turn on the water, and undress, stepping in taking a hot shower.

30 minutes later
I turn off the water and step out the shower. I wrap my towel around me, and walk out, going down the hall and back into my room.
I lotion up and put on a new bra and panties.
Maan fuck it. I should just go to school at least once without a sweatshirt.
I'll just wear the shoes Mateo bought me.
I haven't wore them yet by the way so today I will.
I decided to put on high waisted skinny jeans, and a black crop top. Maybe today I'll just go to school wearing a crop to and let's see how that goes.
Obviously terrible.
But I'll do anything for Laila.
I get my flat iron, and go to the bathroom and straighten my hair, so now it stops at my mid back.
I then go back to the room, and get the space jam 11 box out of the closet. I open the box and put them on. I then put sheen spray on my hair, and put perfume on. I then grab my phone off the charger, and I see someone calling me.
I answer it.
"Hello?." I say lowly into the phone.
"Tiffany come outside we takin you to school." He said.
"Uhm ok." I say unsurely.
I hang up the phone and open the door again walking out the room. I close the door back, and go downstairs.
"Bye Laila." I say as I saw her dressed for school, eating cereal on the couch, and watching Disney Channel.
"Bye Tiff." She says not taking her eyes off the tv.
I open the front door.
"Tell my your mom and dad I said bye." I say looking back at her.
"Ok!" She says cheerily. I close the front door as I walk out to see a black 2016 Mercedes Benz.
Got dayum where they get dis car from!?
Dis shit expensive!
I walk down the porch stairs to the car and to the back seat door opening it and getting in.
"Hi Tiffany!" Ayleo yelled as I closed the door.
Mateo looked up from his phone glaring at Ayo. "Nigga you do the most!" He yelled.
"Fuck you." Ayleo said.
I looked down. "Hi beauty." He says glimpsing back at me.
I shyly waved as Ayleo zoomed down the block.


We all got out the car. I looked down to the floor as I gripped my backpack straps.
Ayleo walked off talking to other people, but Mateo stayed with me.
"Damn." I heard Mateo mumble.
I looked up at him, and quickly looked back down.
He's staring at me.
"Beauty." He says grabbing my arm causing us to both stop.
"You look nice today, and I see you wore the shoes I bought you." He said.
"T-thank you," I say lowly and look to the floor.
Mateo grabbed my hand. "Please stop looking to the floor, I won't tell you again." Mateo begged softly.
I looked up into him.
He smiled at me through his mask,
"Thank you." He says.
He began walking but he still held my hand. I did my best in looking up but I'm getting dirty looks from people, and I'm looking back down.
Mateo pulled me towards him, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked.
"Stop looking down Tiffany, I promise nothing will happen to you. We got all the same classes together so we fine." He said rubbing my arm to calm me down.
That's true.
Nothing would happen to me because he would protect me.
I sigh in relief, and look up now not as nervous as before.
"There ya go, you'll be fine." He says as we walk in the school.

Do y'all think Mateo is beginning to change Tiffany?
Put what you think in the comments.

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