Doesn't deserve this

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Ayleo pov
I was walking home with Key and Zavi from the dance studio, and we heard a large ass scream from a house we were passing.
That shit sounded like fucking distress.
"Call the police," Zavj said looking towards the house with a worried look on his face.
"Nah, police wouldn't come to the hood so quick like they would do in richer neighborhoods." I say.
"Come on y'all." Key says.
He began sprinting around the corner, and we began running with him following. We ran down the block towards my house, and I quickly unlocked the door.
"Dad! Dad!" I yell.
My dad came to the top of the stairs.
"What." He says.
"We heard a girl screaming around the block, and that scream sounded like bad news." Zavi said.
Key nodded in agreement.
Mateo passed my dad walking downstairs with a empty plate.
"Well we can't call the po po, because they won't come until 30 minutes later." Mateo says nonchalantly walking pass us.
"Where was the house?" My dad asked walking downstairs.
"Around the corner." I said.
"It was white, and it had 32 on it." Key added on.
Mateo quickly came back to us.
"You said it said 32, and it was white and around the corner?" Mateo asked with one eyebrow raised.
We nodded.
Mateo already had Jordan's on so he sprinted out the house leaving the door wide open.
We looked to see Key sprinting out the house following.
Zavi and I ran after them.
We turned the corner following Key who was following Mateo.
When we turned, we saw Mateo already at the porch knocking rapidly on the door.
We ran to the porch, and we heard continuous screams.
Mateo started banging the door loudly.
He then ran down the porch and grabbed a rock.
He threw it at the window right next to the door causing it to break. He reached in and unlocked the front door opening it without hesitating.
We don't got weapons or nothing.
We followed going inside, and the screams became louder.
"Breh the kitchen." I say leading on.
We all speed walked to the kitchen to see this grown ass man about 36 years old on top of that girl me an Mateo helped today.
She was laying helplessly on the floor naked and getting raped. She was bloody and there was glass all over the floor.
"What the fuck man!! She's fucking 17 pedophile ass bitch!!" Zavi yelled at the top of his lungs.
The man looked back at us and stared at us.
The man suddenly reached and grabbed a kitchen knife and charged after Zavi.
Zavi knocked the knife out of his hand and kicked it to the other side of the kitchen.
They then started fighting, but the man grabbed another knife and was also winning the fight, so I stepped in.

Mateo pov
I can't believe this, but I knew something was off.
I took the time to go towards beauty but she was knocked out on the floor, and looked horrible. She had old, and new bruises on her body, cuts everywhere.
"He got stabbed man!!" Key yelled.
Oh shit.
"Where!!" I yell freaking out.
"The leg and shoulder!!" Key yelled jumping into the fight.
I took the time to pick up beauty and I quickly found stairs. I ran upstairs with her in my arms, and ran to the first bedroom I could see and grabbed the comforter of it, and wrapped her in it.
I saw a house phone so I called the police not caring weather they came or not.

"Police whats your emergency,"
"My friend got raped by this guy and we caught him and my other friends are fighting the man off and my other friend was stabbed twice." I say in one breath.
"32 clover road." Makin this up.
"Police will arrive as soon as possible."
I hung up the phone and ran downstairs with beauty still in my hands.
I then heard faded sirens getting louder and louder until the lights were shimmering in houses.

Dayum they came??

There was a sudden loud gunshot in the house.
I looked nervously to see the guy grabbing his leg and yelling, and Key had a gun in his hand.
He then threw the gun across the kitchen and ran out.
I ran out the house with her in my arms as ambulances, and police were outside.
Ambulance drivers, and police rushed towards the house, and the ambulance drivers took beauty away from me.
I looked behind to see Zavi with blood all over him in pain, as police and ambulance drivers were carrying him out the house.
I grabbed my hair in aggravation.
"He a fucking grown man." I say siting on the stairs.
"Ayo! Teo! Key!" We all looked to see my dad quickly coming towards us and the scene.
"Excuse me!" A feminine voice yelled.
We moved over to see that man being rushed out on a stretcher.
I stared at him, and stared back at me evily smirking.
My dad reached us coming to the porch.
"What happened?" He asked panting,
"She was raped, Zavi was stabbed while we was helping her." Ayo said bluntly.
"Who?" He asked.
"That girl Ayo and Teo helped at they new school earlier." Key said not taking his eyes off the scene.
My face was rested in my arms, as I sat and stared at everything.
My dad shook his head and reading on the railing.

Beauty doesn't deserve this.

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