Caught them hands.

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Tiffany pov
Mateo got me a necklace that's $8,559. It's rose gold, real, and had real emerald crystals. It's so beautiful and I promise myself to never ever take it off. I've been saving up for months, and I told him he get as much of anything he wants. So he got a ps4, and hella shoes and clothes. Buh the necklace was worth more than what he bought. His stuff only went up to $6,456. Buh my aunt and uncle along with Laila and my other cousins are back, and Laila loved the present. She was crying tears of joy. But we now go back to school.
I'm scared to go to school.
What if my bullies do something?
I have another test today in Language arts.
Buh I'm a G at L.A so ion even needa study, or go over things and writing formats.
I jus got out the shower while Mateo went in, and I went and put on a black crop top, light blue high waisted jeans, and Jordan 11. Buh the thing is, this crop top is high as hell. You could say, the high end of my stomach.
What if people say something?
Especially Kiara and the rest?

What if people say something?Especially Kiara and the rest?

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"You look beautiful." I hear Mateo say.
I turn around, and see Mateo wearing a black sweatshirt, light blue jeans, and black timberlands, and he had hella chains.
It may seem simple, buh he can't make things look 1,000,000x better.
Like, he's jus I can't explain😍😍😍.
"What if it's too short?" I ask.
He shrugs. "You 17. Do what you want. And if Kiara start shit, beat her ass again."
I look down. "But I don't fight like that. I'm not a mean person."
I hear him walk up to me, and lift up my chin gently placing his lips on mine, and pulls away hugging me.
"Then be yourself." He said softly.


The teacher turned at the board teaching and writing things down.
Mateo pulled my chair towards him, and kissed me, and I could tell he was smiling.
He pulled away just as the teacher turned around.
"And there are dominant, and recessive genes. What is the meaning of a dominant?" The teacher asked.
Ooh. I know this,
I raised my hand.
She pointed at me and smiled.
"Isn't it when it is more likely to be, with the next generation?"
"Give an example." She said.
"Let's say a brown dog, and a black dog were to have puppies. The puppies could be 4 black, and 2 brown. The black dog would be dominant."
She nodded and smiled. "Correct. You know recessive?"
"Basically the opposite."
She nodded and smiled.
I feel a vibration on my phone, and I look to see that Mateo texted me.

❤️Tator❤️: You a nerd .
Me: I'm a smart person duh doi
❤️Tator❤️: you a smexy nerd 😻👅
Me: I'm not that pretty
❤️Tator❤️: nah you beautiful trust me. And I'm a judgemental person.
Me: ......uhh well....
❤️Tator❤️: uh well my ass momma .
Me: 😂 ok Teo
❤️Tator❤️: nah Buh forreal thou. I like smart girls
Me: you're the only one that actually likes it that I'm basically a smart person.
❤️Tator❤️: bc I love you.

I feel my chair being moved again, and Mateo places his lips on mine.
I heard people gasp, and ish.
"Goals." I hear a girl say.
The teacher turned around, and in time Mateo pulled away and pushed my chair back to my desk.
I smile to myself and put my head down.


We at lunch, and Teo talkin to his brother, and hella people, and I'm sitting next to him.
"I gotta pee." This girl Monshell said getting up from the table.
"Too much information."Ayleo said shaking his head.
I get up because I gotta pee.
"You usin the bathroom too?" She asked.
I nodded, and we began to walk together to the cafeteria bathroom.
"Are you shy?" She asked me.
I nodded.
"Oh. Wanna be friends? Because we never talk buh see eachother a lot."
I shrug. "Ion know. I'm not a people's person." I say lowly.
"So it took you a while for you to get used to Ayo and Teo?"
I nodded.
"Ayo my boyfriend." She smiled at me.
I suddenly feel a slimy substance all over me, especially my back.
I then feel a cold thing all over my body and everything is even getting on my shoes.
I feel more things dumped on my head.
Everyone was either laughing, recording, or in shock.
"What the fuck Kiara!" I hear Monshell yell.
I can barely see, and it's getting in my eye.
I feel someone grab my hair, and push me landing on the floor.
"Bitch dressing like a slut, and all." I hear Monet say as Keniya laughed.
"She a hoe." I hear Aidan say.

Mateo pov
I'm done. I'm done with this bull shit.
I get up, and I see heavy wooden window restrained thingies.
I get it, and Ayleo gets up too with the rest.
I hit Aidan hard as hell in the head causing him to fall hard as hell on the floor.
I was about to hit Kiara, but I was held back by so much people, and pushed onto a table.
"Why can't I just hit her!" I yell.
I see they rest of they boyfriends also being held back along with Ayleo, and Tiff was beating up Kiara and Monet, and Monshell was beating up Keniya, and people were tryna break them up.
Security, and more came, and I'm jus tryna get the fuck outta these people hold because I'm mad as fuck.
"Let go of me forreal." I say tryna act calm.


We all at the principals office, and the principal, and vice principal walked out for a second along with the secretary, and social worker.
"Hoe ass bitch." Kiara mumbled. She was looking right at Beauty.
"Shut the fuck up." Monshell said.
"Word." Ayo said.
"Ain't nobody ask you to talk bum ass nigga." Aidan said.
"Didn't the bum ass nigga's little brother jus knocked yo black ass out?" I say looking towards him.
"Midget ahh needa stay in yo lane." Keniya's boyfriend said.
I looked at him with a 'dafuq' face.
"Nobody asked you to talk." I spat.
"That's not what yo girl said last night." He smirked.
I stood up, and so did Ayo. "Aye Teo. Calm down." Ayo said pushing me back.
I moved his hand away, and Tiffany gets up and goes infront of me pushing me back, and so did Monshell.
Monet's boyfriend laughed. "What you gone do?"
I pushed them away from me, and walked infront of him, and he just sat on the chair.
"Oh so now you nah sayin nothing?" I smirked.
"Ion wanna fight you." He said sitting back and looking off into space.
"Exactly. I say walking away.
"Pussy ass. Why don't you jus swing. Then I'll fight you." I heard him say.
I turned around and shrugged walking up to him. "Okay."
I punched him across the face, and pulled him out the chair, and everyone got up trying to stop me from beating him up.

Nobody pov
The vice principal, principal, and security guards came in pushing Mateo off causing him to fall.


Mateo pov
I got one more time, or else I'm expelled.
Well, who give a fuck anyway.
He talk about Tiff, and he done caught the hands

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