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2 weeks later
All my cousins are at their friends houses, because my uncle and aunt went on vacation to the Bahamas.
Me and Mateo have been going to school, and I'm still getting A's, but my math grade went down to a B-. I have SAT today and I've been studying so I pray that I get above a 85% to bring it up to an A.
I've also got box braids, to give my hair just a little break.
But I've been staying at Ayo and Teo's house.
But it's 6:30, and my bus comes at 7 sharp all the time, or 7:02 the latest.
I turn towards Mateo.
"Wake up." I say getting up. I turned on the light, and went in Mateo's closet.
I have so much of my shit in his closet, that I organized it as one half be mines 😂.
And I have about 20 pairs of my shoes in his closet too, but it's not all. Not even half. Buh the rest are at my aunt and uncles house.
I looked and saw Mateo still sleeping.
I grab a pillow and hit him hard in the face.
He sits up alarmed. "Huh?"
"It's 6:30." I say going to his bathroom.
He groans. "Why does nighttime go so fast?" He says from the room
I shrug, and wash my face, and brush my teeth since we both took showers already.
I go back in the closet seeing Mateo sleeping again, and get light blue high waisted jeans. I put on a black girl that says 'Papi' in white letters, and I put on an white string sweatshirt that says Indiana in red letters. I put on a gold chain, and rings along with red Puma's. I get my Gucci purse, and walk out as Mateo is now awake and is walking in, and put my phone, charger, and headphones in it. I put my purse in my black North Face backpack, and to to the bathroom putting my box braids in a high bun.

I lay back down, and wait for Mateo to get ready, and I take my math binder our my backpack, and go over everything because I wanna finish 2nd quarter with high honors

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I lay back down, and wait for Mateo to get ready, and I take my math binder our my backpack, and go over everything because I wanna finish 2nd quarter with high honors.
Mateo walks out with Jordan 12 psny, olive green jeans, and an olive green Nike windbreaker, and a gold chain.
He looks at me. "Why you studying?"
"Math SAT is today." I say.
His eyes widen, and he gasps. "It's today?"
I nod slowly.
"Damn. I didn't study." He said.
"You never do." I say rolling my eyes.
"Can you give me the answers?" He asked.
I nodded flipping the page.


I'm so nervous right now. If I don't ace this test, I'll have my first honors ever. And I want high honors for the whole time I go to this school, to get a big award.
I heard it's the greatest.
You get a scholarship, a trophy, and lots of extra money.
I feel someone throw something at my head, and I look to see Kiara, Keniya, and Monet glaring at me.
I turn back around ignoring them, po as I feel another thing get thrown at my head.
I looked over at Mateo who was next to me, and he threw his pencil at them and the pencil hit Kiara's eye.
Kiara screamed, and began crying while grabbing her eye.
"What's wrong Kiara?" The teacher asked concerned.
Kiara ignored her, and got up and ran out the classroom, and the teacher went after her.
Everyone began going into their own conversations. Mateo suddenly got up, and went to the front of the class at the teachers desk.
He looked at me.
"What are you doing?" I mouthed.
I looked around and girls were staring at him with heart eyes.
🙄🙄🙄. He's taken.
He smirked, and looked through her books and papers, until he pulled a paper out. I folded it, and put it in his pocket as the door opened. Mateo got a tissue from her desk.
"You needed a tissue Mateo?" Miss. Monroe asked going to her desk.
Mateo nodded, and pretended to sneeze. I covered my mouth laughing. He threw out the tissue and sat back next to me.
"I'm passing out the tests." She said picking up a huge of tests, and went to the first row passing them out.
I took my phone out of my pocket, and texted him.

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