Class ...

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Tiffany pov
Mateo sat with me for the rest of the ride and him and his brother walked with me to school. They already got they schedules according to them.
"Bye y'all my locker is down the hall." Dreads said.
I weakly grinned.
"Bye beauty, remember if anyone say shit or touch you, you could come to me or my brother." He said while walking away.
I turn towards my locker and open it getting the things I need, and going to my first class class.
My hair was fucked up so I just let it out and put my hood over my head. I held my things tightly as I walked into Math. I like being early so I won't be targeted. I was the fist one in the class thank you Jesus.
"Hi Tiffany!" The teacher said cheerily.
I shyly waved and went to the very back of the class in the corner so I wouldn't be seen.
A couple seconds later, the class loaded with people. The people who were picking on me and beating me up on the bus are in this class, and that's just some of my bullies.
They all eyed me, as I put my head down.
Everyone was now in the class in they're seats until Mateo walked in.
Oh god.
"Excuse me its your first day?" The teacher asked pausing her teaching.
"Yes." He said bluntly.
"You're Mateo right?" She asked looking in her teacher book which was next to her.
"No," He says.
"Then what's your name?" She asked.
"Mateo." He says bluntly.
I smiled and covered my face.
The class started giggling.
The teacher sighed.
"Okay, you could sit next to Tiffany she's in the back wearing
the black sweatshirt." She says pointing at me.
Oh god..
"I know who that is," he says walking towards me.
He sits next to me and puts his head down facing me.
My face was also towards towards him with my head down but my eyes were to the floor.
"Beauty." He whispered calling me.
He's annoying.
"Yes?" I whisper back hesitantly looking at him.
"You're pretty." He whispered.
"No I'm not, but thanks." I say.
He nods at me.
"Yes you are."
I sigh of aggravation and turn my head away from him.
He kicks my leg to get my attention.
I sigh and turn towards him annoyed.
"Wanna go somewhere during lunch?" He whispered.
"We can't skip." I say.
He nods. "Yea, we could just leave when nobody is looking."
"No." I say.
He shrugs.
"I'm not forcing you."
Now I wanna go.
It's just one day..
Fuck it.
"I'll go," I say kicking him to get his attention.
He smirked at me.
"Alright." He says.
"What's your last class before lunch?"
"Alright imma get you at history." He says turning away from me and focusing his attention to the teacher while I did the same.


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