Food court ..

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Tiffany pov
"Here ya go." Mateo said giving me a bag which had space jam 11 in them.
We walked out, and I seen he had a bag also.
"What you get for yourself?" I ask looking to the floor.
"The same as you." He says.
"Thank you," I say.
"You're welcome beauty," he says glimpsing at me.
"I'm hungry." I say lowly because I don't want him to pay for me anymore.
I have $30 so I could get something myself.
"I can't hear you." Mateo says chuckling.
"Nothing." I say.
"Oh you wanted for me to buy you food? Okay!" Mateo said sarcastically pulling me towards the elevator.
"You heard me?" I ask confused.
"Yea, I just wanted you to talk louder." Mateo says nonchalantly.
We reached the food court.
"I'll pay for you," He says.
"No, it's fine," I say looking down.
"If you pick yo head up, I'll do as you say." He says.
I picked my head up, and looked at him.
"Please don't pay for me." I beg.
Mateo smirked the same way he did earlier when we were coming in the mall,
He's gonna buy me food I can tell.
"Okay," he says still smirking.
"What's your favorite food from here?" He asks.
"McDonald's," I say lowly. Ion kno about you buh I got a McDonald's where I'm at.
Next thing you know, Mateo runs to the McDonald's line.
I start chasing him.
"Stawp! Don't buy me anything!" I whine when I reach him.
Mateo ignored me the whole time.
Uggghhhhhhh fuck it.
"Is it ok if you get me a Big Mac, and a caramel frappe?" I ask.
"Im already gone buy yo it, so you don't have to ask." He says.
I ignore his last words as we waited for our turn in the long line.
After about 10 minutes, it was our turn to order.
"Hi welcome to McDonald's what would you like," She asks.
I looked at her, and as soon as she looked up at Matso, she looked like she was blushing and shit.
"Could I have 2 Big Macs, a caramel frappe, and a Sprite?" Mateo says.
"Sure, that'll be $20.34," She says smiling at him.
I feel a weird feeling in me.
Am I jealous?
Why? Ion have feelings for Mateo, and I'm sure he also doesn't for me.
Mateo gives her the money.
"How old are you?" Another asks walking next to the other worker.
"17"," Mateo says.
"Ooh! I'm 17, too," The one who recently walked to us said.
"I'm 16, and my names Moneisha." The one at the register said smiling at him.
"I'm Rachel," The other one said also smiling at him.
I look at Mateo who was smiling at them, but I could tell he didn't like them, and he wanted to be left alone.
It's like I'm invisible to them, what if I was his girlfriend tf?
"What's your name?" 'Rachel' asked.
"Mateo." He says.
"Oh you mixed honey?" 'Moneisha' asked smiling even more.
"Yes." Mateo says.
Fuck this.
I grab Mateos arm and pull him to the next area to get our food.
The girls glared at me but I didn't give eye contact.
A different girl, came and gave us our food and smiled at us, but eyed Mateo and started blushing.
What's the fuck?
She then came back with a paper folded in her hand.
"Here ya go," She says.
Mateo put in his pocket confused.
'Rachel' and 'Moneisha' also came up before we walked away, and also gave Mateo folded up papers.
Mateo still confused put it in his pocket.
We walked and sat at a free table about to eat, with confused faces.
"What the hell?" Mateo said weirded out and glimpsing back at the McDonald's.
I giggled.
"Oh look I made you laugh." Mateo said chuckling.
"Don't get used to it." I say looking down.

"Beauty, imma be making you laugh every day just watch." He said.

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