Love is love.

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3 weeks later....

I was awakened to someone gently shaking me.

I groaned.

"Leggo to school." Mateo whispered in my ear.

I shook my head no.

"Come on." He said turning me on my back.

I groaned. Have you ever felt like you wanted to cry on Mondays? Yea.

And on top of that, we haven't been at school since the fight and there wasn't even school on that day anyway. I feel like crying.

I whine and I feel tears falling down my face.

He wiped my tears and kissed my cheek. "Good morning beauty."

I stretched and got up, and Mateo went in the shower.

Fuck it.

My ass layed back down.


Mateo put on light blue jeans, a blue shirt, and Jordan 11 space jams with a gold chain. He got his backpack, and I put on my slides, and we left the house, and went into the uber to my aunt and uncles house. I unlock the door and we walk in, and the house is empty meaning my aunt and uncle are at work, and my cousins are all at school, signifying that we're late for school. We go upstairs, and he lays on my bed going back to sleep and I go in the shower, and go in my walk in closet. Imma jus match with him so I put on light high waisted ripped short shorts, a black laced bra type crop top, a blue windbreaker, my space jams, gold hoop earrings, Rolex, a gold choker with a little star on it, and a black spiked bracelet. I got my hair braided recently in cornrows so I out it in a low bun, and put on perfume and lip gloss.

 I got my hair braided recently in cornrows so I out it in a low bun, and put on perfume and lip gloss

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I walk out and wake him up.

"Yous matching with me?" He asked sitting up.

I nodded.

"You look beautiful."

I smirk. "You say that everyday."

"I know."


I see Kiara, Keniya, and Monet giving me mean looks in the hallway, and we're now going to lunch.

I feel myself growing angry.

"Jus set them straight babygirl." Mateo said looking down at me.

I shake my head no and look down.

"Do it. And if y'all fight, then we could leave so you wouldn't get introuble." He shrugged.

"She a hoe. And she with someone I should be with. She prolly begs him for sex every night so that why they're together." I heard Kiara say.

I sigh and turn around.

"This actually my boyfriend so I could have sex with him any time I want!" I say walking up to them.

Kiara laughed. "Nah. He's supposed to he my boyf-"

"Shut the fuck up. I'm tired of you. I'm not gonna be scared of nobody nomore. Especially yo fake light skin ass."

"Shut the fuck up black ass bitch." Monet spat.

"Monet, shut up because last time I checked last year you was even darker than me now you bright like the sun." I say putting my hand in her face.

She moved my hand out her face but I didn't do anything because it's true.

Keniya laughed. "You think you big and bad short shit?" She said getting in my face.

She shoved me with her shoulder, and I shoved her back. I took off my backpack and pushed her to the floor. Before she could get up, I kicked her repeatedly in the head. I felt hands on my hair, and myself yanked to the ground. I grab Kiara's leg, and she falls letting go of my hair. I try my hardest to pry Monet's hands off my hair, but I wasn't working. I then hear Mateo's voice, and I glimpse him breaking us up. I get up, San tackle her to the ground and punch her, and Kiara grabs my hair. I stand up, and kick Monet in the head while I was fighting off Kiara. I the. Use my other leg and wrap it around Kiara's and we fall to the floor.

People were recording on their phones, and we're all in shock and I heard them cheering me on telling me to beat they ass.
I punch Kiara hard in the face until she let go on my hair, and I kick her in the head along with me kicking Monet's head until they couldn't get up. I feel hands wrapped around my knees, and me knowing its Keniya, I elbow her in the stomach, and she lets go crouching down in pain. I push her to the floor, and go on top of her punching her hard letting all my anger out until I felt hands on me.

I started crying because I'm mad.

"Security and shit comin. We gotta go." I hear Mateo say. I ended up calming down, but I'm stressed and I don't wanna be here right now. We walk downstairs, and out the school.


I jumped and I tightened my grip on Mateo's hand. We're at the theaters watching Get Out.

"Ow." He whispered.


I'm too nervous and I'm cold so I get up from my seat and sit on his lap and I feel him wrap his arms around me.

I feel better right now because I really think I done gave them, bitches concussions.


The movie ended, and ion know what we doin now.
We was holding hands and walking down the block, and I saw this lady chasing her toddler who was running around. They both had smiles on their faces, and the mother ended up catching her child, and she picked the little girl up and planted kisses all over her face.

I want a child.

But I'm too young.

I looked at Mateo, and he was staring at them too.


"Huh?" He said not taking his eyes off them.

"Have you ever wanted a child?"

He looked at me and nodded.

"I want one now, buh we too young." He explained.

"True. My dad wouldn't be to happy."

"But love is love." He shrugged.

That's true. My dad wouldn't care if love is love.

"Beauty." He called softly.

I looked up at him. "Yea?"

"Do you wanna make a baby?"

My face lit up, but then I thought about it.

I'm too young.

What will my aunt, uncle, and cousins say?

But love, is love.

I nodded. "I wish today though."

"Nah lets do it today." He said walking faster.

Well, okay then.😊

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