Eat, Sleep, Drink And Drive

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"Kimi, you can't hide from the media all the time!" I giggled, watching the Finn slump down in his seat beside me. He grumbled at me, pulling his hat over his eyes a little more, which I thought was a little pointless as he always had those Oakley sunglasses glued to his face. We were travelling through the gates of the paddock at Silverstone, my home Grand Prix.

My job is being Kimi's PA, well, it's actually his media officer, but I call myself his PA as I'm always with him and do practically everything for him. I'd been doing this job for nearly a year now, much to most people's surprise, as I'm a few years younger than the driver, not many thought I'd be able to handle him. I mean, I was incredibly nervous, he is after all, notorious for being unbelievably awkward with the press, an interviewer's nightmare, and me, a 27 year old English girl, quiet by nature, had to handle this 34 year old grouchy Finn. But the thing is with Kimi, behind closed doors, with his family and friends, he was the most caring, warm and funny guy I had ever met. And we actually got on well.

"C'mon Iceman, we gotta get out" I said, nudging him in the arm as the car came to a stop. He muttered something in Finnish at me and I rolled my eyes. "Have I told you that you're bloody rude" I said, pushing him out of the open door to his right. I heard him chuckle quietly as I shuffled out behind him. He dashed straight through the awaiting interviewers and photographers and into the large red building behind them. Everyone was shouting his name, snapping away trying to get a shot of him, leaving me there to make excuses for him. "Kimi will be out with the rest of the drivers at the signing at 2pm." I declared over the noise, and then I turned to the building to search for the driver.

"RAIKKONEN!!" I yelled as I walked through the doors of the Ferrari suite. A few people looked round at me who were sitting at the tables having food. I chose to ignore them as I spotted Kimi lurking by the fridge, knowing he was searching for his beloved ice cream. I let out a puff of air in frustration and charged over to where he was. He met my stern gaze with a sheepish smile and held out a white chocolate magnum for me, "get in the motor home!" I growled at him, snatching the ice cream from him, trying not to crack a smile at him. He nodded and turned around and headed to the back of the building. The guys around us began sniggering as they knew Kimi daren't push me too far, as they knew my temper was pretty volatile. That's how I managed to control the wayward driver.

"you're gonna get me fired one of these days!" I yelled at him as I slammed the motor home door behind me, watching Kimi take a seat on the couch across from the door, placing his hat and glasses beside him. "No I won't" he said in his monotone voice as he licked the ice cream in his hand. "You're the only one who can put up with me" he said, looking at me with a mischievous grin. "Or who's stupid enough" I sighed, dropping down onto the floor by the little kitchenette. Kimi let out a laugh making me smile a little too. "Eat your ice cream, it will melt from your hot temper" he teased. I pulled my tongue out at him childishly and he chuckled at me.

"So what torture have you got planned for me today?" he asked when he'd finished his magnum. "Just the driver's signing at 2 today. Then nothing until tomorrow..." I said, knowing he had a few things booked in for Thursday that he really wouldn't enjoy, but he didn't need to know about that yet... "Okay. Good." he nodded, "you've got an hour's training with Antonio at 3.30, and the team dinner tonight at 8 and then you're free" I told him, mentally going through his plan. "So now I will nap" he said, laying down further into the cushions on the couch. I rolled my eyes, all this guy did was sleep, eat, drink and drive. And sometimes that was in that order too...

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