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A really short one guys.
Warning MAJOR feels...
The final chapter will be up today guys 💔

I decided it wasn't wise to head to Sophia's room, I needed to get this sorted with Kimi. I heard him clattering around in the bathroom for a while, eventually coming out and stalking over to the bed. He climbed in and the silence that filled the room was suffocating.

"are we done?" I asked, tears rolling down my face. He sighed, sounding the like the weight of the world was on his shoulders too. "we want different things." he said, rolling over to face me in the darkness. "I can't make you have children with me" he said softly, and I knew he was crying. That started my tears rolling too. "and it isn't fair for me to make you wait" I said, letting the tears streak down my face. Surprisingly I felt his hand take mine under the covers, brushing his thumb over my knuckles. "I love you Kulta" he whispered. "I love you too" I squeaked. "it's just not going to work is it" I sobbed. I felt him brush his other thumb over my tear stained cheek.

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