Just Friends

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I'd been dancing with Sophia and a few of the mechanics when I felt a hand grip at my waist. I jumped a little and looked round to see who it was attached to. "looking beautiful tonight as always" Callum winked at me. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "thanks," I smiled, in the process of taking his hand he was holding out for me and gave me a twirl. I was giggling with him and having fun, momentarily forgetting about everything that had happened that day when Callum pulled me closer, "wanna grab a drink?" he asked me, I smiled and nodded, and he let me lead the way off the dance floor.

Callum followed me closely, "hey lets go sit there" he said, pulling me by my hand to a couple of free stools at the end of the bar. I slipped up onto the stool as gracefully as I could, Callum sitting to my right. "you alright up there" he chuckled, looking down at my legs as I tried to pull my dress down a little. It was the best dress I had, but it was very short. "you sat here on purpose" I grumbled at him, making him chuckle some more. "how was I to know you'd be flashing me" he gave me a toothy grin, "at least I know for future reference" he laughed again, making my push him in the shoulder as I grinned a little at his comment.


Several drinks and a packet of crisps later, my bladder was about ready to burst. It didn't help that we had been giggling non stop at some of our colleagues dancing around enjoying themselves. I had also noticed that Kimi was still at the bar, in the same place and it hadn't gone un noticed that he had been practically watching me most of the night so far, seemingly every time something caught my eye over there he was already watching me. I mean don't get me wrong, I quite liked it, but then I realised I still had his phone!

"I better not make you laugh anymore" he said, causing me to look towards Callum with a frown, "huh?"
"your boss couldn't look any more pissed when we flirt" he said, subtly nodding across the bar. I simply rolled my eyes. "1. He's not my boss, and 2. It's friendly banter. Doesn't concern him" I shook my head. Callum nodded, "it does when he has the hots for you"
"Callum! No he doesn't" I shrugged it off, like it was nothing. "c'mon Bell, a guy knows when a guy has the hots for a girl. Can't say I blame him" he said with a wink, causing me to tut at him, "you must know" he said, smirking at me. "well he's going about it all the wrong way" I sighed, "huh, like how?" he asked me, to which I shook my head, "long story. Anyway c'mon look, Soph wants us back out there" I nodded, spotting her somehow through the crowds on the dance floor. I'd noticed Seb had joined her now. "and I've spotted a damsel in distress that may need my help" he said, clearly spotting an attractive woman he wanted to persue. "well go! Knight in shining armour! I'll meet you guys out there" I said, fluttering my hand at him to tell him to go. He jumped off the stool and turned to me, "are you gonna be alright getting down from there?" he asked, not even trying to hold back a smirk. "yes" I snapped a little at him, making him grin at me, "I'll be fine, I shall wait until you've gone" I said, giving him a snooty look. "see you in a bit girl" he grinned at me and then turned and headed off to wherever this woman was. That was the good thing about Callum, he was a flirt, and we were always playful, but he knew not to over step the mark with me. He was a genuinely nice guy, but with an eye for the ladies. I just hoped that one day the right girl would come along and steal him up, just as long as she didn't mind me still being friends with him.

Anyway, now was my time to climb off this mountain of a bar stool, luckily there was no one behind me so I wouldn't flash any poor bloke enjoying his night. So I slipped slowly off the seat and onto my ridiculously high heels, quite successfully I might add, and then turned to the bar to grab my clutch. Right, now to give Kimi his phone...

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