Kimi To The Rescue

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When we arrived inside, we all headed up to a particular floor that everyone seemed happy with and I headed to the bar, leaving Sophia with Seb, Kimi and the two trainers; Paul and Antonio.

Sophia's POV:

"what's up with Bella?" Seb asked me, as I stood there with the guys. I didn't really know what to say, so I shrugged at him, "think she's just tired" I said, "she didn't seem herself earlier in my room" Kimi said, making us look at him. We knew they would always be in each others rooms, like me and Seb, but he seemed a little more concerned than usual. "go see what's up" Seb nudged me, "I don't think she'll want me there" I said, a little sheepishly. The guys looked curiously at me. "Kimi, you go" Seb told him. Kimi grumbled, but swaggered over with his vodka in his hand. Seb looked to me. "what's the matter?" he asked, knowing I was upset. He knew me too well, even when I tried to hide it. "I think I've really upset her" I sighed, walking off to a quiet area with Seb to explain what happened today.

Bella's POV:

I took the drink the barman passed me and sipped on it slowly. I was glad that Sophia left me alone, I wasn't a nice person to be around right now. "where is my drink?" a familiar voice asked me. I smiled a little, looking to my right, seeing Kimi take up the space beside me at the bar. He threw his hand up towards the barman to get his attention. I turned to my drink as I heard him order himself a vodka and an archers and diet coke, my tipple. I smiled to myself, knowing he knew what I liked and I took a gulp of my water. We stood there briefly in silence, knowing Kimi had never seen me this way before, and he clearly was trying to see if I was okay. "I think miss Sophia has really pissed you off yes?" he asked, I was glad at least that he didn't know why, or at least I hoped he didn't. "well, not really. She just hit a nerve that's all" I shrugged, not looking at him as he turned his body to face me, leaning his right elbow on the bar. "well, she is upset too, I doubt that she meant to hurt you" he said. "I know" I sighed, looking up at him, "she just brought up some stuff I didn't want to think about" I shrugged. He nodded, "I know how that is" he said, which I knew he did, when his marriage fell apart the media was all over him, it must have made the worst time of his life even harder. I looked at him and he was looking down at the bar, I sighed, feeling sorry for him. so I nudged his shoulder with mine, making him look at me, I smiled, "did Seb send you over here then?" I asked, he smirked a little "I would have come to you anyway." He shrugged, "but sometimes I know I make your temper worse" he added. I blushed but giggled at him. "well, thank you for braving my wrath" I replied. He grinned at me. "well, let's go and harass the lovebirds shall we?" he asked me, making me grin, "okay" I agreed, then turning away from the bar, I felt Kimi's arm fall over my shoulders as we headed on back over to where the guys were.

They were sitting in the corner of the group huddled up talking about something when we joined them. "interrupting something are we?" I asked, "yes, you are looking very cosy" Kimi laughed. The two of them blushed and jumped apart rather quickly. "no, no..." Sebastian rubbed the back of his head. I giggled and sat down beside Sophia, "I'm sorry" I whispered to her, she smiled and shook her head, holding her arms out for me to hug her. "me too" she replied and then we parted. I looked up at the guys sitting opposite us, seeing Seb and Kimi watching us both grinning. "that was a shrewd move sending him over to me" I said to Seb, pointing at Kimi. They both giggled. I rolled my eyes, "wanna dance?" I asked Sophia, "of course!" she laughed and we got up and left the guys to it for a while.

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