Pillow Talk

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I woke up the next morning to sunlight pouring through the open window. A gentle breeze fluttered in, causing the bed sheet to waft up off of me and the beautiful creature that lay in my bed.

I turned my head, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and smiled. She was finally where she was meant to be. My eyes roamed her shape, that figure I had ingrained in my memory.  

My eyes raked up her bare legs, I longed for them to be wrapped around me. The hem of my white T shirt brushed against the very top of her thighs. She moved slightly in her sleep, letting out an angelic moan. I licked my lips. She stretched unconsciously, exposing her deliciously round, lace covered bottom. Instinctively my hand was brought to her thighs, running it up and over her behind.

Her eyes fluttered open and a huge smile greeted me. "hyvää huomenta kaunis"

"in English Raikkonen" she rolled her eyes playfully at me, making me smirk at her. She rolled onto her side to face me, in turn my hand was removed from her skin. I pouted. She giggled, moving over to place a kiss on my mouth. "I have to get ready for work" she told me, running her hand through my hair. I sighed and took a long blink, savoring this ever so longed for moment. "You can stay a little longer" I said, before receiving another kiss. "I can't" she whined, I knew that she wanted to. "I have to get fresh clothes and shower before I meet Sophia" she told me, slipping out of the bed. "you can shower here" I told her, already smirking at my statement. "Like hell I will Kimi, I aren't that stupid" she called out to me as she walked over to the bathroom. I let out a loud chuckle. Was worth a try.

Several minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom, back in her dress from last night. She still looked beautiful. "Don't you worry about getting your lazy ass out of bed. I can see myself out" she smirked sarcastically at my lack of movement. I chuckled once more, "well if you had gotten a shower I think  I could have found some energy from somewhere" I winked at her. She blushed and rolled her eyes to try and hide her shyness. I loved her shyness. "hmm, I don't doubt that..." she replied, grabbing her bag and phone off the dresser. "I will see you and Seb at the factory this afternoon" she told me, I frowned. Bella sighed, dropping her shoulders at me, I forgot. "Kimi, you really need to start reading the memo's I send you." She sighed exasperatedly. "Just go wherever Seb goes. At least one of you is organized" she shook her head as she walked to the door. I grinned as I watched her walk through the doorway and shut the hotel room door loudly. 

I sighed contentedly as I stretched back on the mattress. I felt the happiest I had felt in one hell of a long time. And now, I was going to spend the rest of the morning wrapped up in my hotel room bed sheets that smelt of her perfume.

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