Questions, Questions, Questions

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"just start the engine Raikkonen" I replied, making him chuckle as the car roared to life.

We flew out of the factory parking lot and onto the roads of Maranello. "so you told miss Sophia about our evening?" the amusement in Kimi's voice was off putting. Not to mention irritating. "yes. Yes I did" I snapped at him, making him laugh at me. "there is nothing wrong with me divulging a little info between friends is there?" I asked him. "well you wouldn't want me telling Seb" he replied, glancing at me as he cruised to the factory. "yeah well seb is man child" I rolled my eyes, my comment making Kimi laugh. "he was begging me to tell him what we did" he chuckled. "oh dear" I cringed. "I did not tell him anything but you staying in my room" he said. I appreciated that he had been respectful enough to not even tell Sebastian about it. "thank you Kimi" I answered him, reaching for my phone that had just pinged. I laughed, "you'll have to tell him something, he's driven Soph crazy asking for info on the way down here" I giggled reading the text I just received off her. I heard Kimi groan from beside me as the car slowed down. I looked at him then out of the windscreen, seeing a bunch of photographers hanging outside the building we appeared to be needing to be in. "it's cool, we've got a space in the basement parking garage." I told him, as we saw Seb pulling down the ramp to the underground lot. Kimi grumbled as the photographers raced over to our not so inconspicuous vehicles. I couldn't help but giggle as we flew down behind Seb, Kimi's insane driving skills getting us down and parked in a matter of seconds. "don't worry Iceman, it won't be too painful" I smiled, leaning over to him, rubbing my palm gently over his cheek, bringing his face to look at me. His steely gaze softened as he looked at me, a gentle smile softening his features as he watched me move closer, pressing a soft kiss to his mouth.

"c'mon, let's show em that Raikkonen charm" I teased as I pulled away. He chuckled at me as I turned to the door, climbing out, to see Seb and Sophia waiting for us. "you know we can see you in there" Seb beamed at us. I couldn't help but snort at his expression. "how do you put up with him?" I asked soph as I walked passe the German and to the outside lift. "I have no idea" she rolled her eyes at me. "maybe because I'm good in bed?" he teased, but he sounded more like he was asking soph. The three of us laughed at him, Sophia blatantly ignoring his comment. Sebastian getting a little more nervous by the second.


"Mr Vettel, Mr Raikkonen, please this way" the young Italian girl, in the very tight fitting dress beckoned the two drivers over to an open doorway. Me and Sophia shared a glance as we followed behind, watching the girl trying shamelesy to flirt with them.

"please, make up and wardrobe in here, Georgia will be with you shortly to take you through to the main room." she smiled at them, "please, if there's anything I can help with I can be more than accommodating" she purred at them in her strong Italian accent. "Jesus Christ" I groaned under my breath, Sophia's mouth was hung open at the blatant offer the guys got with us standing there. The guys nodded at her kindly, probably not daring to utter a word with us there, Kimi I noticed hardly looked at her, that was ridiculously out of character for him. Seb just went pink and seemed to take a particularly obsessive interest in his Ferrari suit which Sophia had hung up as the girl was yabbering away.

We left the two idiots there to change and we headed off to have a chat with the photographer and interviewer, to make sure everything was good. Not expecting to see that silly receptionist again...


"that's better Kimi, um sorry, Mr Raikkonen... " I heard her giggle as we walked back into the room, finding the girl fiddling with Kimi's tie. His face was a picture, looking freaked out when he caught me walking in. He looked scared, which made me laugh. I rolled my eyes as Seb stood there sniggering at the situation.

"Hän vain tuli ja alkoi rukkaamalla solmioni" (she just came in and started touching my tie) he told me, I think I understood him enough.

"Ai niin, ja olen Willy Wonka"
(oh yeah and I'm willy wonka) I rolled my eyes, not believing him.

"Sinulla on kaikki karkkia haluan"
(you have all the candy I want) he smirked at me, making me blush hard. He flashed me a wink and I giggled at him, all the while the girl watched our exchange with a little disgust, gladly not understanding our words.

She coughed a little, disrupting mine and Kimi's gaze on each other. "I will take you through to the main room now" she said, looking at the guys. With a flick of her hair over her shoulder, she strutted out of the room, Seb and Kimi following behind like naughty school boys.


The interview seemed to take forever, I dreaded to think what was going through Kimi's head as he answered question after mind numbing question. Seb always seemed to bring a light heartedness to anything he did, but Kimi, he just showed on his face how unimpressed he was.

"so you boys have been single a while now, anyone special on the scene for either of you?" the lady interviewer asked them. I visibly cringed. Seb and Kimi saw my reaction behind the camera. Seb started to chuckle, beaming a huge smile and even Kimi had a slight grin on his face.

"yes I have someone special in my life, but I like to keep it private" Seb replied, not dropping that smile. I darent look at Sophia stood beside me as I knew she'd be blushing crazily. "and you Kimi?" she asked the Fin. I assumed he would say that he had no one, that's what he would usually say, or have me say. "yes, I have a woman." he replied bluntly. "she is standing there next to Sophia" he said, not taking his eyes off me. I nearly dropped my paperwork. Did he just say that?!

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