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Two days later....

"ah crap"
"what is it?"
"Maurizio's calling me" I sat up from being snuggled in Kimi's arms, wrapped in a fur throw on his couch. Did I mention we were in Switzerland? At his house? Yeah, he'd insisted I spent the next week or so with him at his house before I had to fly out to Hungary for the next race. "answer it then" he said, not moving an inch from the couch. I knew what this would be about.

"Maurizio, hi" I said in my most cheery voice. "Bella. I hear you did a fantastic job in Marinello. As always" he replied, catching me off guard. "oh well thank you." I blushed, Kimi looking at me with a frown. "but tell me..." he continued. Uh oh... "what is this I heard about you and Raikkonen?" he asked, crap. "oh, well, you see..." I floundered. I could give answers and lie about anything I wanted to to the press, but with Arrivabenne, no. I Fucking floundered. He laughed down the phone, "is he there?" he asked, I glanced to Kimi, "yeah, hang on" I said, throwing my phone at him.

I stood watching him as he lounged there, on the couch acting like nothing was happening. Rubbing his hands through the fur of the throw. Me on the other hand, was pacing in front of the floor to ceiling windows, chewing on my barely there fingernails.

Hearing Kimi chuckle, my eyes darted to him, seeing that gorgeous smile of his, flashing his perfect white teeth. Momentarily I was entranced by him, a moth to a flame as I usually was with him. The Bastard.

"yes, of course. See you in Hungary." Kimi said, the only English he'd spoken in the whole conversation. I watched him drop the phone by his side and stretch out. He was doing this on purpose. "well!?" I snapped at him, falling into his trap. "what?" he shrugged smugly. I glared at him, throwing my hands onto my hips. He laughed more. "Kimi!" I growled at him, he laughed loudly, "he said he knew it was true because I said it, and for me not to piss you off." he chuckled. "you are a valuable member of the team. He said because no one else can put up with me" he grinned. That was true. I rolled my eyes.

"that's a relief though" I sighed, flopping down onto the couch. "I told you, it wouldn't matter, I would take you everywhere I went" he said, sitting up, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "I know Kim, but I love my job, I wouldn't want to lose it." I explained, which I knew he understood. Besides, I wouldn't want to follow him around all the time and not get paid for it! Why not have both?!

"so, how about we celebrate you not getting fired?" he asked with a grin spreading across his face. "is that all you think about Raikkonen?!" I laughed, being pulled onto the couch. "I said before all there is, is shagging and fishing." he quoted himself. "no what you actually said was in summer there is shagging and fishing, but in the winter the fishing is bad." I said pushing myself out of his grasp. "1. You were talking about Finland, which we are not in and 2. It is the height of summer, we should fish" I teased, backing away from him. He rolled his eyes at my smart ass comment, getting up off the couch as he did. Foolishly I ran, not knowing where in the hell I was going, after all, it was my first day here.

I found some stairs and took them, Kimi closing in on me by the second. I squealed in excitement and fear, I never did like people chasing me. I ran down a hallway, to the end door. Bursting through it, I found it was the indoor pool. "you have an indoor pool?" I asked, stopping to admire it.

"it appears so" his voice close behind me. I grinned, feeling him slide his hands over hips. "fancy going for a swim?"

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