Another Night In Heaven

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The smile that Kimi gave me was adorable, "Minä rakastan sinua" (I love you) he whispered, briefly kissing my forehead. "we must go" he said softly against my head. I nodded slightly and sighed, pulling away from him.

I walked up to the door, opening it up, seeing Seb and Sophia waiting across the hall. "if he hadn't disturbed us I would have fucked you so hard against that wall in there you wouldn't be able to sit for weeks" he growled into my ear. I tried not to show that his comment flustered me, he knew how to shock me. I mean he was so sweet in there, then he says something like that! A smack of my bum too made me jump. I turned to look at him and all he did was smirk at me and give me a wink and then nodded at Seb to head to the main room once more.

"what's wrong with you?!" Soph  asked as she moved over to me. I shook my head at her, still in shock, following them down to the main room again.

He walked over to where they had just had the interview and just posed for the photos like it was the most natural thing in the world. I couldn't help but think of how cool he was. And I guess he was mine...


It had been a long day and I was so ready to get into a warm bath and chill out, but I had a text off Kimi telling me to go to his room. Honestly I was still sore from last night, and I just wanted a quiet one. I guess he'd just have to wait...

I rode the elevator up to his floor, surprisingly not the penthouse, and got out, heading down the hallway to the second to last door.

Giving a swift knock, it wasn't long before the door opened, revealing Kimi in a snuggly white hoodie and his usual jeans. "hi"
"hi" he smiled at me, stepping back to let me inside. I walked in and dropped my bag into the counter top in the kitchenette. "you are tired yes?" his voice came from behind me as I slipped off my heels. "exhausted" I yawned, turning to him, "then come with me" he said, gently taking my hand.

He led me through the main living room and to what turned out to be his bathroom. There I was greeted with a bathtub full to the brim with bubbles. "oh Kimi" I sighed seeing the heaven infront of me. "enjoy, when you come out there will be some food for us" he told me, placing a kiss on my bare shoulder. I smiled, turning to face him. "thank you"
"you are welcome. Now enjoy before it gets cold" he said, then turning away to close the bathroom door.


Around an hour or so later, I emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a fluffy white robe. I made my way back through the suite to the kitchen, a delicious aroma filled my senses. Kimi was stood plating up something tasty no doubt. "I assume this is room service?" I chuckled, walking up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "of course" he answered me with a shrug. "looks good" I stated, my mouth watering at the sight of the salmon and vegetables he was serving up. "it's not the only thing" he said, glancing round at me, "are you wearing anything under there?" he asked, I snorted and rolled my eyes. "you're not gonna find out" I said, grinning to myself as I took the plate off the counter and headed over to table that was set out for us.


"I really don't want to move now" I sighed contentedly, snuggled up against Kimi's chest. We were laying on his couch watching the TV. Me totally not understanding anything that was going on, given it was all in Italian. "don't."
"I have to go to my room, at least to change for work anyway." I whined like a little girl. Kimi chuckled, "no you don't. Your things are here" I turned to him, sitting up. "I had your things moved here. It was stupid for you to stay there when you can be here with me." he explained. "does Sophia know?" I asked. Kimi grinned, "she is with Sebastian" he told me. "you sly dog!" I laughed prodding him in the rib, causing him to laugh. "so, what have you got on underneath that?" he asked, pulling at the tie to my robe...

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