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The next morning, I was already at the track, in the Media office waiting for Sophia to get here. I normally make sure Kimi is up and ready and give him his first three appointments for the day, but I shamefully did it by text. He hadn’t replied to me yet, but I didn’t care, I just needed to talk to Soph, and thankfully not much later, she arrived.

“what’s going on?!” she yawned, walking into our office armed with two coffees. “Kimi kissed me!” I blurted out when she had shut the door. She gasped, nearly dropping the coffee cups. “WHAT?! When?! Where?!” she spluttered, dropping down into the chair on the other side of the desk. I swallowed some of my hot latte and began to tell her what happened.

“oh my god! He told you you’re beautiful! Bells how cute is that!! I knew he liked you!” she squealed. I shook my head. “he’s totally fucked up our friendship now” I said, resting my head in my hands. “no he hasn’t!” she scoffed. “Soph! he fucking kissed me! Then he laughed, he didn’t see it as a big deal! I mean, does he just go around kissing girls like that?!” I exclaimed, slamming my forehead against my desk. And at that exact moment the door to the room flew open and in walked, surprise, surprise, Kimi and Seb. I turned my head and looked over to the door and groaned quietly. This is all I needed.

“What is with the text messages this morning?!” Seb grinned mischievously at us. Sophia giggled, “well, we clearly don’t need to wake you two up every morning do we!” I had to grin at that, but my heart rate was jacked as I was aware that Kimi was standing beside him. I really didn’t want to be in this room right now. Thankfully, my phone rang, it was my mum. She never rang me at work, something must be wrong. "I gotta take this" I jumped up and left the room.

Sophia's POV:

“So I assume she has told you what he did” Seb asked me, thumbing over to Kimi who had dropped himself into Bella's chair. He was sat quietly smirking to himself. “Yeah” I said, a little sadly. “Why did you do that Kimi?!” I flared my nostrils as I got angry at the Finn. “You’ve really fucked with her. And your friendship!” I yelled at him some more. He looked over at me with a frown. “but why? I kissed her, I wanted to” he shrugged. I rolled my eyes and groaned, dropping my head against my folded arms on my desk, “Soph,” that was Seb, “he really likes her” he said softly. I raised my head up and looked at him. “What?” I asked, “I know it’s hard to believe, but he actually has a heart in there” Seb teased, looking over at Kimi. “Fuck you” Kimi grumbled at him, making us both laugh. “It wasn’t exactly the smoothest move, but he genuinely cares for her.” he said. I looked from Seb to Kimi, seeing him pick up the little toy greyhound she took everywhere with her. “So what do we do” I said to Seb, but before he could answer, Bella entered the room again.

“Everything okay Bells?” Soph asked, as I walked back into the office. I shook my head and kept my head down, heading to my desk. Then I saw Kimi sitting in my chair. I looked up at him and he saw the tears in my eyes and he leapt up to let me sit down. “Bells…” Soph pushed. I sighed and rested my hands against my face. “I gotta go home” I whispered, in fear of the tears falling. “Why? What’s wrong” she said, coming to sit by my side. “My granddad’s in hospital” I said softly. Looking up to her, as a tear fell from my face. “Aww, no, Bella” she sighed, taking my hand. “I gotta go home. I need to see him,” I said, “sure, c’mon, let’s get your stuff together.” She said, pulling me up from the chair. It was all a bit of a blur, but I remember walking passed Kimi, who was standing by my desk, and Seb sitting on Sophia’s and then the next thing I remember was me in a car driving up to my home town.  

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