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We sped down the road, Kimi telling me where to go as I’d never been to the factory before. We were travelling a little further behind Seb and Soph, but as we got onto a country road, I saw them in the distance. I bit my lip and glanced at Kimi. He looked back at me and smirked, he knew exactly what I wanted to do. And I did it.

I put my foot down hard on the accelerator and shot off down the road. I squealed as I picked up speed, hurtling down getting closer and closer to Seb. I gave Kimi a glance and he was sitting back relaxed in his seat looking causally out of the window. I knew he liked the way I drove, which to me was a huge compliment, and I was pretty relaxed behind the wheel with him. I soon caught up with the silver Ferrari and when there was a chance, I over took the car and shot out ahead of them, gliding passed Seb, who was leisurely cruising the road. He playfully beeped his horn at us, making us both laugh as I took us through to our destination. Noting only briefly that any awkwardness had now evaporated.


“that was amazing!” I sighed breathlessly, caressing the steering wheel with my hands. “I thought you might enjoy that” Kimi replied, looking at me with a smile. “oh my god yes!” I giggled. “I loved every second of it” I said, looking back at him, “I hoped you would when I picked the car” he replied. “you picked it?” I asked, looking at him, surprised that he would. “yes. I know how much you like this car.” he shrugged. “it makes you happy” he added, making me beam a smile at him, and yes I blushed too. “thank you Kimi” I said, and without thinking I launched at him across the centre console throwing my arms around him for a hug. But as I did, we both heard a ripping sound, making us pause. “what was that?” Kimi asked me as he held his hands at my waist. “uhm, I think my dress may have just ripped…” I whispered. I was frozen in my position, my arms around Kimi’s neck, my cheek against his. I felt him sit up a little. “I can see”
“Kimi!!” I yelled at him suddenly jumping backward into my seat, feeling my face going bright red. He was chuckling at me. “I don’t have anything else to wear!!” I panicked, bringing my hand to my bum where I felt the rip. Right across my bum! Kimi carried on chuckling as the car door opened.

"He has been teaching you too many illegal moves!” Seb said, poking his head into the car, looking at me and Kimi. “I don’t have time for this Sebastian!” I yelled at him, pushing him in the chest. “what the hell?!” he said as he was thrust back, still Kimi was laughing beside me. “don't push me Raikkonen!” I glared at him, making him grin at me. “what’s the matter?!” I heard Sophia, then saw her push Seb to one side, much to his dismay again, “I’ve ripped my fucking dress!” I hissed at her, but knew she would understand my attitude. “shit.” I looked at her with a grimace. “where?”
“on her arse” Kimi chuckled. “yes, thank you Kimi” I snapped at him again. It was lucky he was used to my temper. “what we gonna do?” she asked me as I rubbed my face with my hands. Then I had an idea. “Kimi, is your luggage still in the boot?”
“yes” he replied, finally the smirk fading from his face. “have you got a spare Ferrari shirt?” I asked, “uhh, maybe.”
“well go check!” Sophia snapped this time. He gave us both a look but thought better of giving us a clever remark and slowly climbed out of the car and headed to the trunk. This day had totally just turned on its head.

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